
The War Without, the War Within - S1-E14

Question: In dialogue, Starbase 1 is described as "100 AU from Earth," which is over three times the orbital distance of Neptune. But the onscreen graphic shows the starbase next to a planet that can be visually recognized as Earth; portions of North America, including the Florida peninsula and the Gulf of St. Lawrence, are visible. The distance given in dialogue makes sense, given the episode's plot; it's a distant location still within the Solar System, and the Klingon attack is said to be "practically in Earth's backyard." The location shown in the graphic does not make sense, because Earth would already be under attack yet everyone is concerned only about the starbase, not the planet (which is never mentioned at all, let alone said to be Earth).


Answer: The planet shown could well be a terraformed moon on the outskirts of the Solar System. The planet is not shown in great detail behind the damaged station.

23rd Nov 2003

Tru Calling (2003)

Past Tense - S1-E4

Question: What time does Tru work her shift at the morgue? In this episode, she was at work when Marco scared her from under the sheet. Then she was eating dinner with Harrison. What time did they eat? Wasn't it already late at night by then? Then she was back at work - I guess a dinner break makes sense for a nighttime shift - and she met Luc. The second time the day happened, she was at work when Marco tried to scare her. Then she was walking somewhere with Harrison and she hadn't met Luc. Was this after the same dinner she had with Harrison the first time? Was she still going to meet Luc later?


Chosen answer: The next episode shows that Tru didn't meet Luc after all, even though she should have been in work by the time he showed up. I think the answer is that the writers don't actually know.


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