
There Won't Be Trumpets - S1-E17

Trivia: Bree and Lynette are walking to Juanita's funeral. In the original broadcast Bree said, "You have to hand it to Gabi and Carlos. They do grief better than anyone." However, her mouth doesn't say "Gabi and Carlos," but rather "the Catholics", and the audio has a noticeable change at that point. Also, the closed captioning just says "them". It seems that the line was changed in post-production with an overdub, possibly due to the Pope dying around the same time. The correct version is on the DVD.


20th Nov 2003

Smallville (2001)

Shattered - S3-E8

Trivia: The asylum to which Lex is taken at the end of the episode is called "Belle Reve," which is French for "beautiful dream." It is also the name of the family mansion that once belonged to Blanche and Stella DuBois in "A Streetcar Named Desire." The mansion was lost, but it was the one memory to which Blanche clinged throughout her descent into madness. Belle Reve is also home to many lesser powered super villains in the DC universe, including some of Superman's enemies.


17th Nov 2003

Evil Dead II (1987)

Trivia: The beginning of this film is a recap of the events of the first installment. However, all of the footage is newly shot, and completely rewrites the preceding events in order to suit the direction the writers wanted to take this script. There are many changes. Three characters completely disappear from the story, the Book of the Dead is given a new name (It was not called the Necronomicon in the first movie), the bridge is much sturdier in appearance, and the book is not destroyed in the fireplace. (00:00:15 - 00:07:05)


6th Nov 2003

Will & Grace (1998)

Heart Like a Wheelchair - S6-E6

Trivia: Jack suggests that Karen could torture Lorraine, an Englishwoman, by "tying her down and forcing her to watch the American version of anything British." The episode aired on NBC shortly after NBC's "Coupling," based on a successful British show by the same title, was cancelled due to low ratings and critical condemnation. Not to worry, though; NBC is already adapting the BBC's "The Office."


Trivia: On 11/5/03, Mickey and Maggie are in grave danger and Hope dispatches officers and an ambulance to their house. She gives the address as "1313 Mockingbird," the same address as the Munsters.


28th Oct 2003

Days of Our Lives (1965)

Trivia: On 10/22/03, Bonnie overhears Jennifer talking on the phone to Adrienne, and she comments that the name sounds familiar. The joke is that Judi Evans Luciano, the actress who plays Bonnie, used to play Adrienne in the late '80s.


21st Oct 2003

True Spin (2003)

Trivia: The debut episode of this original VH1 series examined the B-52s' "Love Shack," and debunks the myth that the song is about a woman getting pregnant. Years ago, VH1's own Pop Up Video perpetuated this very myth by incorrectly identifying the phrase "tin roof, rusted" as a euphamism for pregnancy.


20th Oct 2003

Beautiful Girl (2003)

Trivia: About fifty minutes into the movie, one of the other pageant contestants tells Becca Wasserman to make sure she uses "every girl's secret weapon, hairspray. It will make her a star." The joke is that the actress playing Becca, Marissa Jaret Winokur, gained sudden fame after winning a Tony for her performance in the Broadway musical Hairspray.


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