Quantom X

Hansel & Gretel Get Baked mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Hansel and Gretel are first talking to the cops about trying to find Ashton, the girl cop, Hart, has her jacket unzipped. But in the close up when she approaches after seeing how upset Gretel was and said she would go ask the old lady some questions, the jacket is unzipped still but the sides are close together. The shot changes to a side angle as Heart begins to slowly turn around, and suddenly her jacket is open much more. (00:30:40)

Quantom X

25th Jul 2013

Word World (2007)

Rocket to the Moon/The Birds - S1-E3

Continuity mistake: "The Birds" - Sheep has the egg in a baby buggy next to the basketball court. She and the buggy are at the side lines. One of the others accidentally hits the ball towards the buggy and Sheep blocks it with her face, scoring a goal. Suddenly she and the baby buggy are in the center of the basketball court.

Quantom X

24th Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Continuity mistake: After the old man in the pet shop blows his own brains out, Frank and Hakan are talking in a car. Frank visibly does not have his seat belt on. Hakan gets out of the car and the shot cuts back to Frank as he starts to drive off, with his seatbelt suddenly on. (00:51:50)

Quantom X

24th Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Continuity mistake: In the interrogation room after Frank dumps the drugs into a pond, the male cop says "You're in a lot of fucking trouble." As he is saying this, the camera is on Frank, and Frank is looking nonchalantly down to the right. But right in the middle of that sentence, it jump cuts, still on Frank, and suddenly he is looking at the male cop and says "Is that right?" (00:28:05)

Quantom X

24th Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Pusher mistake picture

Continuity mistake: After Tony breaks his foot trying to do a round house kick, Frank and Marlon drive off in a car. As it leaves, it shows the back license plate as M272 IMG. Then when the police show up and stop them, shots of the front and back of the same car show the front and back license plate as M272 TMG. The I changed to a T. (00:26:45)

Quantom X

24th Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Pusher mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While Frank and Marlon are in the back of a car trying to negotiate the drug deal, a red double decker bus passes them on Frank's side. The shot then cuts to Marlon in a close up and the red bus is nowhere to be seen. (00:26:30)

Quantom X

24th Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Continuity mistake: Before making the big deal, Tony tries to show Frank a round house kick and winds up breaking his foot in the attempt. Frank has a cigarette in his right hand. He then reaches down to get the drugs from Tony, without his hands moving together, and suddenly the cigarette is in his left hand. (00:25:40)

Quantom X

24th Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Pusher mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Frank and Tony are talking with Flo and Tony is holding a bong. Through most of the scene, the bong is in Tony's right hand. But in several shots, it switches to his left hand. In one part in fact showing a side angle, Tony has the bong in his left hand and holding it on his leg. It then cuts to a close up and Tony points to Frank with the same but now empty hand. (00:05:40)

Quantom X

24th Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Pusher mistake picture

Continuity mistake: While talking with Flo, Frank muses about how Tony is fixated on Danaka smuggling drugs in her genitals. He has his left hand up in the air holding a cigarette that is lit. It cuts to Tony saying "I'm not fixated" then back to Frank from a further shot. Now his left hand is under his right hand in his lap, no cigarette. A couple shots later, his left hand is up in the air again holding a cigarette. (00:05:35)

Quantom X

24th Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Continuity mistake: In the scene after Frank and Fritz make their drug deal, Tony hands Flo the bong and asks her about the girl smuggling drugs. When she says she wouldn't swallow it because it might burst, she is looking at Tony, and her eyes are open. It then cuts to a different angle of her and suddenly she is looking down with her eyes shut. (00:05:10)

Quantom X

23rd Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Continuity mistake: In the place that looks like a dry cleaner's, Frank is talking to Milo, and Hakan on the couch. Milo makes a crack about Frank's convertible and Frank just fake laughs, and then looks at Hakan on the couch while laughing. It cuts to a close up, and suddenly Frank is looking at Milo and then looks at Hakan on the couch a second time. (00:16:45)

Quantom X

23rd Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Continuity mistake: During the first scene of the movie where Frank and Tony are negotiating a drug deal with Fitz, the length of the cigarette in Fitz's hand keeps changing between shots, sometimes shorter, sometimes longer. Fitz also keeps changing how he is holding it between shots. (00:02:30 - 00:04:45)

Quantom X

23rd Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Continuity mistake: When Frank and Tony arrive at Fitz's house, they stand next to the speaker com awaiting Fitz' answer. Frank is wearing a blue shirt and it is relatively still with wrinkles and folds. But when Fitz answers the com and asks "who is it?", it cuts to a closer shot of Frank. Suddenly the wind is blowing his shirt quite hard. (00:02:20)

Quantom X

23rd Jul 2013

Pusher (2012)

Pusher mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Right at the beginning of the film, Frank and Tony are in a car driving and talking about Danaka smuggling drugs in her genitals. In one shot, Tony is holding his cigarette in his left hand. A couple shots later, within a very shot time, it is suddenly in his right hand. In the same sequence, his right hand holding the cigarette is low and close to his lap. The very next shot is a close up, and suddenly his right hand is up close to his face. (00:01:40)

Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Superman: Unbound (2013)

Superman: Unbound mistake picture

Continuity mistake: During Braniac's attack on Metropolis, a few of his drones get inside the Daily Planet and attempt to go after Lois, Jimmy, and the other guy. They quickly shut the door and prop a file cabinet against it as a barricade. The one they push against the door has just two solid drawers on it. There are two more files cabinets with 6 drawers each next to the wall. Moments later, it is shown that there are now only 2 cabinets in the room, and the two 6 drawer ones are at the door. The 2 drawer one has vanished. It also shows the window blinds going from broken to fixed. (00:49:20)

Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Superman: Unbound (2013)

Superman: Unbound mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Superman punches Brainiac in the face hard just before taking Kandor from his ship. Just before this, Superman ripped the cords and pipes out of Brainac's head, and so his head is covered in a black goo liquid. When he is punched out cold, his head and face are still covered with it. A little bit later when Brainiac awakens, his face is suddenly clean. (00:43:00 - 00:44:40)

Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Superman: Unbound (2013)

Continuity mistake: Inside Kandor, Superman attacks the drones and picks up two of them as they are pulled out back to Brainiac's ship. This takes him with them. The animation showing this has light form all around him and he starts disappearing from the feet up, bright light proceeding the vanish point. The vanish point makes it all the way up to his neck, and moving quickly. But then it cuts to his face and suddenly the vanish point is not even to his neck yet, and he has time to say "I'll come back for you. I promise" before the vanish point takes him fully. (00:41:40)

Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Superman: Unbound (2013)

Superman: Unbound mistake picture

Continuity mistake: As shown in the Batttle of Kandor flashback, when Brainiac's ship begins forming the shield around the city, the shield begins forming from both above the city at the ship, and at the ground around the city going up at the same time and the two haves meeting in the middle. Then when Superman is trying to break into the ship when he found it on an alien planet, Brainiac's ship begins the same process of the shield. One shot even shows the bottom half forming and moving up under Superman. But just a shot or two later from in front of Superman, you can see the ground of the city at the edge and there is no shield there. (00:24:40)

Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Superman: Unbound (2013)

Continuity mistake: During the flashback of Brainiac's attack on Kandor, the tentacles on Brainiac's ship keep changing from moving to being totally still between sequential shots. (00:17:50)

Quantom X

21st Jul 2013

Parker (2013)

Continuity mistake: The Sheriff and Leslie have an exchange in a coffee shop. As she walks past him, he says "How's the ex? You hear from him?" While saying this, his head turns to his right as he watches her go by and he is level. The shot changes to a closer one at a side angle and suddenly he is looking down at his plate. (00:42:55)

Quantom X

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