
7th Feb 2019

Tangled (2010)

Question: Mother Gothel chains Flynn to the post and says it is to keep him from following her and Rapunzel after Rapunzel heals him. My question is how was Flynn supposed to escape the chains when they were gone? Was he just supposed to starve to death?

Answer: Presumably, Rapunzel hoped that by reviving Flynn (Eugene) and leaving him behind, he would at least have a chance to eventually be found and released. Otherwise, he was most certainly dead.


Thanks. :D.

Question: During the opening dialogue, it is explained that Carnaby's plane was brought down after a raid on Nuremberg. Later in the same scene, it is explained that he was on his way to Egypt when his plane was shot down. Which one was it?

Answer: The way I interpret it is that "following" the raid on Nuremberg, the plane was then on its way to Egypt when it was shot down by the Germans, prompting the mission to rescue Carnaby.


The "saturation bombing of Nuremberg" was a separate raid which should have lured all the fighters away from the Austrian border. The "General's" plane, on its way to Crete, was shot down by a roving Messerschmitt.

6th Feb 2019

Cats (1998)

Question: What is the story behind Grizabella? Why do the other cats seem to hate her and shun her?

Answer: It's a bit vague, but when Grizabella was young, she left the other Jellicle cats, turning her back on them to live another life, thinking she was more glamorous than the others. Now that she is older and has fallen on hard times, she returns, wanting to rejoin the tribe. The other cats are resentful that she considered herself better than them, and they are put off by her shabby appearance, so do not want her back.


6th Feb 2019

Ghost Ship (2002)

Answer: Dodge shot Ferriman, believing him to be dead. Ferriman was not dead, and he then killed Dodge. Ferriman then morphed into Dodge's form.


6th Feb 2019

Interstellar (2014)

Question: What made Cooper think that Amelia was in love with Edmunds? Cooper asks Amelia about Edmunds, she tells him about him but she never says anything to indicate that she's in love with him.

Answer: Cooper was able to read more into Brand's comments and her emotions than she openly stated. When he questioned T.A.R.S. (the robot) about any relationship between Brand and Edmund, T.A.R.S. declined to answer, citing a discretionary protocol, leading Cooper to believe there was something. Brand also pushed for the team to land on Edmund's planet even though evidence showed that Mann's was the better prospect. Cooper strung different clues together and was guessing, but when he questioned Brand, she answered honestly.


11001001 - S1-E15

Question: Since it takes two people (usually the captain and first officer) to arm and disarm the self-destruct sequence what would happen if one were killed and couldn't concur to disarm? I am supposing it would go to the next ranking officer but if they are the only ones on the ship (like in "11001001") what would happen then?

Answer: If one or both commanding officers were incapacitated in some way and unable to disarm the self-destruct, then presumably the ship would explode and they would be killed. That is the inherent risk in such a system. However, being as its a TV series, there is always some technical loophole that saves the ship.


1st Feb 2019

Black Narcissus (1947)

Question: This follows on from the continuity mistake about Sister Ruth wearing makeup. Sister Ruth has been a nun, living under religious vows for many years. After the nuns start their mission in the Himalayas she becomes infatuated with English expatriate, Mr. Dean. Eventually she puts on a fashionable dress, assumes an attractive hairstyle, and even applies lipstick (at the time it was somewhat controversial for any woman to wear lipstick). She then tries to seduce Mr. Dean. Could a woman who has lived a life of religious self denial change into a convincingly steaming seductress?

Rob Halliday

Answer: There's no way of knowing. For the purpose of the movie's plot and to heighten the drama and underlying sensual passion, the Sister Ruth character was probably portrayed as being more sexually savvy than a lapsed nun normally would be. She may also have dated a lot as a teenager, watched many romantic movies, or read romance novels before becoming a nun. Also, not all nuns are sexually inexperienced before joining the church. Some enter when they're older, have previously been engaged, married, and so on.


18th Mar 2007

Star Wars (1977)

Question: Does anyone know how or if Obi-Wan was going to pay Han for taking him and Luke to Alderaan, if they had gotten there? If he had 17,000, why didn't he just pay the 10,000 that Han originally wanted?

Answer: In the next scene, after leaving the bar, Obi-Wan says, "You'll have to sell your speeder" to Luke. He replies, "Good, I'm never coming back here again." He also agrees to the price for passage, the extra is to insure that Han delivers them. No double crosses or selling them out to the Empire.

Answer: He didn't have it - he was presumably expecting that Bail Organa would provide the money on their arrival. That's why he upped the fee, to get Han to take him and Luke despite not receiving much money up front.


Answer: Obi Wan does not know or trust Han Solo. He had no money other than the 2,000 for Luke's speeder, but even if he had the full amount, he would not have paid Han the additional 15,000 until he had safely delivered him, Luke, and the droids to Alderan. He offers the higher amount knowing it is less likely that Han will just take the 2,000 and run out or turn them over to the Empire for a reward. Obi Wan had no doubts that the Alderan government would pay the remainder of the fee, considering he was there at Princess Leia's request and how important the information was inside R2D2.


26th Jan 2019

Philadelphia (1993)

Question: Can someone please explain the scene in the hallway at the basketball game? It seems to suggest that Andrew actually wasn't fired because of his sexuality or AIDS. But I thought the point of the movie is that he was.


Answer: My take was that one of his firm's issues was that they didn't consider him a "victim" of the disease because, unlike his co-worker who contracted the AIDS virus from a blood transfusion, he was infected due to what they considered were his reckless and immoral life-style choices.


Question: How did the Phoenix land on Earth after the warp display for the Vulcans? It looked like a non-reusable rocket to me.

Answer: It was never shown or explained how they landed, so any answer would be a guess. This is set in the future (mid-21st Century), so there could have been new rocket technology.


Answer: While the main fuselage was a re-purposed intercontinental ballistic missile, and they separated from the ascent stage of the rocket, the payload section housed two deployable prototype warp nacelles capable of achieving lightspeed. Beyond that, the payload also contained the prototype warp core (which was powered by matter/antimatter annihilation), the warp core coolant, elaborate magnetic-containment systems, and probably even impulse drive and landing thrusters (It kind of goes without saying that thruster and impulse technology would have existed before warp technology). There was no space left over in the payload section for conventional rocket propellant, and Zefram Cochrane's enormously-expensive and one-of-a-kind warp components would not be expendable; so he must have devised a way to safely bring the Phoenix down for re-use. Since the Phoenix's return and landing were never addressed in the film, my assumption is that the payload section was powered entirely by the warp core, including its impulse drive and landing thrusters.

Charles Austin Miller

25th Jan 2019

Dark Shadows (2012)

Question: Why did it take so long for Dr. Hoffman to become a vampire? I'm referring to at the very end when she was underwater and opened her eyes.

Bryanna Norris

Answer: It's unknown how long it took for her to become a vampire. She was tossed into the bay and sunk to the bottom, lying there unconscious for a period of time. She may have turned early on, but did not awaken until much later.


She had teeth when she was being bit by Barnabus. She had turned before he confronted her. He just drained her to a weakened state and she woke back up in the bay.

Answer: Phasma is apparently dead, and Last Jedi director Rian Johnson says there are no plans to revive the character in the next film. However, the ending was ambiguous enough that it leaves open the possibility of the character returning.


Question: This is about both the first and second film, and the Lion Guard. How did only one cub born occur about four times in a row (Simba, first cub of Simba whose name is unknown, Kiara and Kion). Why weren't there more than one born at once for this long amount of time?

Answer: Because this a fictional animated movie that bends reality in order to better serve the plot. Having too many lion cub characters being born would be confusing and clutter the story line.


Plus it could be assumed that not all of them survive.


Maybe, but being this is a Disney movie, morbid facts like that are usually kept to a minimum.


Agreed. Which is why only 1 cub is ever seen.


Question: What did Dr. Hirsch mean when he said to Alex how he witnessed "some form of mass neurosis in East Proctor"?


Answer: He was referring to the local residents that lived in the area who, unknown to the doctor, knew about and were terrorized by the werewolf that roamed the countryside during a full moon. The doctor thought they suffered from some type of mass mental illness.


20th Jan 2019

Deep Impact (1998)

Question: Referring to Leo and Sarah: What parent would let their young daughter not go to the Ark when given the chance?

Answer: It was Sarah who decided she would not go to the Ark. She chose to stay with her parents.


Leo then decided not to go to the ark, either, went back and got Sarah and the baby.

Charles Austin Miller

15th Jan 2019

Wishmaster (1997)

Question: The only way for the Djinn to rule the world is if the person who freed him had all three of his or her wishes granted. What were to happen if the person who freed the Djinn didn't make any wishes at all?

Answer: There's no known answer to this, but one thought is it would be very difficult for anyone, at some point and without thinking, not to wish for something, particularly something frivolous. Something like, "I wish it would stop raining." Theoretically, the Djinn could then use a "loophole" by granting the person's wish three times without them realizing it. If the person somehow never wished for anything, then presumably the Djinn would remain captive.


Question: Every time Florence would perform before a live audience, people would respond by either laughing at her or booing at her. With these kinds of reactions, how could Florence not realise that it was because nobody liked her singing and that they considered her a terrible singer?

Answer: People believe what they want to believe and can have an uncanny ability to filter out anything negative or unwanted. Eventually, she realised the truth.


Also, Florence's friends and supporters protected her and would do whatever they could at the concerts to suppress any audience member who reacted negatively.


Question: After Daniel breaks the slabs of ice and after walking out of the bar Miyagi divides the bet money with Daniel. The money is US dollars. Shouldn't they be using Yen?

Answer: Okinawa is also the site of a number of US military bases, so US currency is likely to be somewhat common there.


Answer: Most nations will accept another country's currency which can then be converted at a bank or other financial institution. About the only issue is the exchange rate, as converting one currency to another is usually not equal (i.e. a U.S. dollar is not worth the same as a Canadian dollar) and the exchange rate always fluctuates. A fee is also charged by the institution whenever currency is exchanged.


Answer: It may be a country that accepts both types of currency. In Canada, for example, many businesses accept both Canadian and American money.

15th Jan 2019

The Edge (1997)

Question: Does Charles kill Bob in the end? Why does he hold his fingers down on what looks like his nose and or mouth when he covers his face as the helicopter circles?

Answer: Charles repeatedly reassured Bob, saying, "I'm going to get us out of here," and "Don't die on me, Bob"; which would seem to indicate that Charles intended for them both to make it out alive. Indeed, if Charles had any intention of putting Bob out of his misery, he could have done it much earlier. So, no, Charles didn't kill Bob.

Charles Austin Miller

Hello I thought Steve hurt himself running down a hill, this version I'm watching had him cut himself while trying to make a spear.

You must have misremembered. It is an important plot point as the blood from his knife wound ends up on the cloth Bob neglected to bury; thus leading to the bear attack and Stephen's resulting death.

Answer: He didn't kill Bob. He died from his injuries. Charles may just have been touching his face to close his eyes or mouth after death. It may have just been a gesture for some unknown reason.


Question: Bayfield and McMoon buy every copy of the New York Post in their neighborhood and throw them in the trash so as to not upset Florence if she ever found out the truth of what people thought of her singing. Wouldn't this have been a waste of time, especially if somebody just came right up to Florence at any time and told her what they really thought of her singing?

Answer: They had no way of knowing whether or not someone would do that, but they did whatever they could to keep her from reading the bad reviews.


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