
22nd Aug 2017

Home Alone (1990)

Question: Near the end of the movie, Kevin makes the 911 call because of the bandits. Why couldn't he had just done this instead of bothering to set up all the traps in the first place? Was he possibly trying to see if he couldn't kill them first instead, then call? Either way, the police were coming over with the call.

Answer: If Kevin called 911 sooner and was found to be "home alone" he knows the police would probably put him into Child Protective Services, leaving the house unguarded. His parents could face some legal issues for having left him behind. Since the burglars hadn't actually done anything yet, the police could not have taken any action against them. Also, Kevin's a kid. He was not trying to kill the burglars, but by his reasoning, he thinks it's his duty to protect the family's home.


Answer: Yeah, that would have made a great film, wouldn't it? "Kevin rings the Police, Harry and Marv are prevented from breaking into his house, and everybody lives happily ever after." A surefire winner.

Answer: Kevin was afraid to call the police because he had stolen a toothbrush so now considered himself to be a wanted criminal. This is why Kevin didn't want to show his face to the pizza delivery man (since the same man worked at the drug store) and also why Kevin changed his voice when he finally did call 911.

Blair Howden

The pizza delivery boy didn't also work at the drug store. The reason why Kevin didn't show his face to the pizza delivery boy is because he wanted to prank him and make him think a man with a gun was opening fire on him.


Yet Kevin is happy to call to the police with his real voice near the end of the second movie and is present when the police arrest the Bandits despite being a wanted criminal for stealing a credit card.

22nd Aug 2017

Charade (1963)

Question: When the Inspector said "We discovered your husband's body lying next to the tracks," I assumed that meant no one actually saw Dyle toss Lampert off the train. And since Lampert was killed in his pajamas before daylight, I assumed that meant Dyle first confronted him in his compartment. So after the murder was committed but before it was discovered, why didn't Dyle retrieve the travel bag, or at least take the agenda, letter and key with him?

Answer: Dyle didn't know that what he was looking for was inside the travel bag. Lampert had used the stolen gold to buy the rare and valuable collector stamps. He then affixed them to the envelope to look like ordinary postage. Dyle, who was impersonating a government investigator, was also letting Reggie (Dyle's widow) figure things out about the key, letter, etc. As Lambert's widow, she had access to her late husbands property and, eventually, would have unwittingly led Dyle to what he sought.


Chosen answer: They can be overheard discussing Ron's injured leg. Hermione says she's sure that Madam Pomfrey will be able to fix it in no time. Ron's being overly dramatic, saying it might have to be chopped off.


Answer: No I mean after that.

12th Aug 2017

Titanic (1997)

Question: Why did Rose want to commit suicide by attempting to jump off the ship?

Answer: Because she was so unhappy. She did not love Cal, nor did she want to marry him (her mother had pushed her into it because they were poor). Rose did not want a stultifying life as a "trophy" wife and knew she'd be little more than a "bird in a gilded cage." It is highly unlikely she would have gone through with killing herself. She was just extremely upset at the time and desperately wanted to find a way out.


Chosen answer: Because Snape had let it be generally known that Lupin was a werewolf. Previously only the Hogwarts faculty knew about this, and kept it secret. Snape still hated James Potter and Sirius Black for them mistreating him when they were all students at Hogwarts. Although Lupin never treated him badly, Snape still resented Remus for being friends with James and Sirius (Lupin was one of the four Marauders of the "Marauder's Map"). As Lupin told Harry, once the parents found out about his condition, they'd be contacting Dumbledore, protesting a werewolf teaching their children. It also fulfilled the curse that Voldemort had placed on the Defense Against the Dark Arts teaching position: no instructor lasts more than one year.


Question: Who is Dumbledore talking about "who made all the wrong choices"? Is it Voldemort or Draco? I don't think it's Draco, because he is the "Boy who didn't have a choice."


Chosen answer: He is talking about Tom Riddle, the boy who became Lord Voldemort. Riddle's evilness started at a very early age and he was never coerced into it by others. It was his choice alone to become evil.


10th Aug 2017

The Sixth Sense (1999)

Question: Why was Vincent (the guy who shot Malcolm) in his underwear? Couldn't he have shot Malcolm wearing his clothes?


Chosen answer: There's no explanation but someone being dressed only in their underwear while they are in someone else's home to shoot them would indicate a severe mental problem, which was the case with Vincent.


Answer: It is actually explained in the bonus features of the movies, it goes something along the lines of: he saw dead people for so long that he tried to hide from them by wearing different types of cloths. When he decides to commit suicide, this is the end. There was no need to wear something to hide who he is. He wore nothing at all, as if to be free, or to show that he doesn't want to be afraid any more.

Answer: May be to show the scars on his body given by ghosts.

Question: Why did Hermione and Harry try to stop Ron from getting Scabbers back? They surely don't want their best friend's pet to go missing? They couldn't have been worried about getting caught since they were so far away?


Chosen answer: For one, students are forbidden to be outside the castle at night and, second, it was believed that Sirius Black was hunting Harry because he wanted to kill him, making it dangerous for Harry to be out. The dementor guards are also roaming the castle grounds, and Dumbledore had warned students that they cannot not distinguish friend from foe. They had already attempted to attack Harry twice. Also, if Harry, Ron, and Hermione were caught being outside, they would also get in trouble for having been at Hagrid's right before Buckbeak's execution. Students would not be allowed to be present at an event like that.


7th Aug 2017

Titanic (1997)

Question: Are the actors playing with real ice during the collision scene?

Answer: Yes, those were real chunks of ice.


Question: When Harry returns with Cedric's body, and the students are in the stands, shocked and saddened, who is the girl standing to Neville's right? Pretty girl with long strawberry blonde hair and bangs. My husband thinks it's Susan Bones.

Answer: The girl is not identified. If it is Susan Bones, it's a different actress playing her. Eleanor Columbus, daughter of director/producer Chris Columbus, played Susan Bones in the first two Harry Potter films. The Susan Bones character is not in the cast listing on IMDB for HP and the Goblet of Fire. This looks like Hannah Abbott of Hufflepuff, who was played by Charlotte Skeoch.


Question: At the start of the movie, Connie hates Michael. Was it just the death of their mother that made her change her feelings towards Michael? Or were there other factors?

Answer: Connie always hated Michael for ordering the death of Carlo (unaware that he was responsible for Sonny's murder) however she puts away her hatred to get Michael and Fredo to make up.

Connie didn't hate Michael. In the book, she was initially upset and angry that he had Carlo killed and confronted him, but within a few days, she apologized, telling Kay, Michael's wife, that it was all a mistake. Carlo was a physically abusive husband who never loved Connie and only married her because she was Don Corleone's daughter. Connie quickly realised she was far happier and much better off without Carlo.


Answer: Connie never hated Michael. Their relationship became strained because he disapproved of her jet-set, life-style, she was neglecting her children, and he dislikes the men she has relationships with. She is dependent on her brother for money and resents having to beg for more. She changes somewhat towards the end of the movie, partially because of her mother's death and Fredo being killed, and after Michael so cruelly cut Kay out of his life. Gradually, Connie starts to become more like Michael and by the third film, takes a more active role in the family business.


Answer: In the movie Connie says to Michael when she wants to come back that she hated him when Carlo died, and she did things to hurt Michael and herself, but she had come to realise that Michael is only doing what he has to do for the family, being strong for the family. She wanted to come back and take care of Michael and the children.

1st Aug 2017

Taken 3 (2015)

Question: In a movie where a person is waterboarded, is the actor literally waterboarded? Or is there a type of trick or method that directors use?

Answer: Some water might have been used, but actually waterboarding an actor would be a safety hazard. Most likely some special effects are involved.


Question: When Adaline gets arrested is it because she is she is suspected of being a communist or something else entirely?

Darth Crucible

Chosen answer: It was because she had used so many fake I.D. the F.B.I. had become suspicious, possibly believing she was involved in some type of criminal activity, which is often why people assume different identities.


No, that can't be right because she doesn't start using fake names until AFTER the incident with the FBI. She was still using her normal name, Adeline, when the FBI grabbed her. The implication of the story is that they grabbed her because she didn't age and they wanted to use her as a lab rat.

Question: Why did the scourging of the Shire never take place in the film?


Chosen answer: The film was already quite long and the plot was complicated with many characters. Adding the Shire scourge would be nearly impossible to incorporate without completely bogging down the story and the pacing. It was implied in one scene as a shadowy premonition that this could happen to the Shire if Sauron wasn't defeated.


Question: Is there a reason why Tom Hagen "can't give a straight answer anymore," in all of his conversations with Michael?

Answer: Michael only wants people to tell him what he wants to hear, rather than giving truthful advice, which sometimes makes him angry. Tom often has to skirt around issues to get his point across, otherwise Michael will react negatively, or even retaliate in some way. Michael expects Tom's complete loyalty even though he had demoted Tom from being Consigliori. An element of trust and understanding was lost between them.


Question: They mention Poseidon's Tomb and his trident is outside it. I get that his trident was stolen from the mermaids but what happened to Poseidon? Where is he? Is he in the tomb and if so how did he die? Why isn't he trying to get his trident back?

Answer: It is unknown what happened to Poseidon, and whether or not he is in the tomb or if he is alive or dead. These appear to be clues that are most likely leading to the next sequel in the POTC series.


25th Jan 2017

Game of Thrones (2011)

Answer: It is left up to your imagination. Ser Clegane does whatever Cersei asks of him so she most likely told him to torture her but without killing her. She'd told Septa Unella that she would be kept alive, as Cersei intended for her to suffer over a long period of time.


Question: With the death of Vic Morrow, how were they able to film him being captured by two Nazi officers and thrown into a freight train car?

Answer: Due to production logistics, movies are rarely filmed in a linear timeline. Storyboards visually map out the entire plot to provide the director continuity while filming different scenes, in various order, and often simultaneously with second-unit directors. As to the movie, Morrow's segment was originally supposed to end with the Vietnam scene. After Morrow rescued the two children, thus redeeming his character, he was to be returned to his own timeline. However, after the fatal accident and with the filming incomplete, the scenes were reordered so that the segment now ended with Morrow being sent to a Nazi concentration camp.


Question: When the crew is at Tia Dalma's, what does Jack mean when he says "My eyesight's as good as ever, just so you know" after Mr. Gibbs, Pintel, and Raghetti do the superstitious spin thing?

Answer: He thinks it looks like herpes. So to make sure nobody else thinks he's got an STD he says 'my eyesight is as good as ever'. Herpes is known to cause loss of vision.

Answer: When the Black Spot on Jack's palm is revealed, Gibbs, Pintel, and Ragetti, all being superstitious types, panic and, each in turn, spin around spitting and chanting, "The Black Spot!" in an attempt to ward off its evilness. Jack's retort was implying that they did not need to overstate the obvious.


Question: Instead of using the Pensieve to view Voldemort's and Slughorn's memories, wouldn't it have been much easier for Dumbledore to simply tell Harry of his first meeting with Tom and Harry simply asking Slughorn what he knew?

Answer: The purpose of the Pensieve is to preserve the memory exactly as it was recorded. Telling Harry something years after an event occurred is not as effective or as accurate as seeing. It is more impactful if Harry can watch events exactly as they unfolded. Regarding Slughorn, he had refused to give his complete memory because he was ashamed of the unintentional part he played in Voldemort's plan to create the Horcruxes. He was duped by Riddle, but he still did not want anyone to know how foolish he was.


Answer: Dumbledore went to great lengths to recover the modified memory from Slughorn and convince him to return to Hogwarts as a teacher. Asking Slughorn about the memory upfront would greatly reduce their chances of getting the rest of the memory. It was important for Harry to charm Slughorn because that was one of his weaknesses. He held Harry's mother in high regards, so Harry really was the only key to getting the memory.

Answer: It would have been pointless for Harry to simply ask Slughorn about Riddle because, as Slughorn previously did, he would react angrily, simply refuse, lie, or alter or delete facts as it was too painful and he was too ashamed to admit what he'd done. Even if Slughorn did tell him, memories are tricky, and, over time, people recall facts differently than what actually happened. Dumbledore needed the pensieve for both his and Slughorn's memories so Harry would have an accurate as possible picture of what happened. This is also J.K. Rowling's magical world. It would be pretty dull, literary-wise, to simply have Dumbledore or Slughorn tell Harry what happened.


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