
30th Jul 2023

The Village (2004)

Question: What was the reason for the ceremony of meat, where they tossed it onto the rock? And why couldn't they have just walked over and put it there instead of the wind-up toss? That was kind of ridiculous.

Answer: The meat is supposed to be an offering to appease the "monsters" in the woods. As to why they tossed it, that's just what they chose to do. If something is heavy, it is easier to swing and toss it, rather than merely hoist it up.


30th Jul 2023

The Village (2004)

Answer: Because he had stabbed Lucius, whom Ivy loves and might now die from his wounds.


30th Jul 2023

The Village (2004)

Question: If Edward Walker sent Ivy to go get help, why couldn't he have done so at night when no one could see him? Law enforcement outside the village could have just as easily detained Ivy and practically forced her to reveal the location of the village. Did Jay (M Night Shyamalan) know about the village? And why did Kevin (the younger, helpful guard) just sit there with his truck door open after presumably helping Ivy back over the fence?

Answer: All the elders, including Edward, swore an ironclad oath never to leave the village for any reason. That is why he sent the two boys to escort Ivy. Jay, the head guard, apparently does know about the village and makes sure the younger guard does not get too curious. As to why Kevin just sat there with the car door open is anyone's guess. He appears rather stunned by the whole incident and is probably wondering what is inside the reserve.


Question: Why does Darth Maul have almost no dialogue?

Answer: Probably because Ray Park, who portrayed Darth Maul, was not a professional actor, but a martial arts expert and stuntman who was recruited for the film. Another actor, Peter Serafinowicz, voiced what little dialogue there was.


Answer: The comment by RayWest is a good possible behind-the-scenes reason. Also, I think Darth Maul had been raised by Palpatine/Darth Sidious from a young age, unless that is no longer canon. Unlike Vader and Tyranus, who join Sidious as adults, Maul has almost no interests nor associations with others. He is focused on serving his master because it's all he knows. This could be why he says very little to others - he has no desire, nor much knowledge, about how to interact with them. But again, I am not sure exactly what is canon now.

28th Jul 2023

Jaws (1975)

Question: Why didn't they bring stronger ammunition on the Orca to kill on-site when the shark is surfaced, instead of using barrels and playing the slow game?

Answer: Agree with the other answers, but would add that both Quint and Hooper underestimated how big and powerful the shark would be. Until they were at sea, the shark wasn't fully seen and was likely expected to be about 15 feet and easier to kill with the weapons they had. As mentioned, the barrels were intended to slow down and exhaust the shark, keep it nearer the surface, and allow them to track and kill it.


Answer: The barrels were also used to slow or even stop the shark from leaving. They were heavy, but it didn't slow him down. Quint said, "The shark can't go down with two barrels on him." When it did, Matt Hooper asked, "Have you ever seen a shark do that?" Quint replied, "Never."

Answer: They didn't want to lose it. If the thing surfaces and you start shooting at it or use explosives and you don't kill it, you will just scare it off and won't see it again. That is, until there is someone eaten again. They wanted to be sure to kill it, so you lure it, get it to surface with the barrels and then kill it properly. It's still just a fish.


28th Jul 2023

The Village (2004)

Question: What made Lucius want to enter the woods? It is implied that he was one of the first villagers (that we know of) to rebel against the "rules" of the village, second to Noah for entering the woods "on many occasions." Also, why wasn't Lucius taken to the quiet room like Noah was supposed to have gone to because of him hitting people with a stick? Lucius broke the rule, so why wasn't he disciplined? When the village found out it was him, they would have expected a punishment to have been handed down.

Answer: Lucius is a typical youth who is questioning the elders' "rules," and is curious about what lies beyond the village's borders. While Lucius pushes boundaries, Noah is mentally impaired and functions on a childlike level. He cannot be reasoned with in a normal adult manner and is punished like a small child. When Lucius dared to enter the woods, the elders, disguised as the monsters, later "invaded" the village, thus terrorizing the younger members and making Lucius feel guilty for "endangering" everyone by his disobedience. That was his punishment.


27th Jul 2023

The Village (2004)

Question: What would the elders of the village have done with Noah, as a result of him stabbing Lucius, had he not found the extra costume? If they had sent him away, they would have known he was the one that talked if the government came to investigate the village (if they even believed the claims of a disabled person). And I don't think they planned on killing him.

Answer: The elders would never have harmed or cast him out, as that would risk their village being exposed, and they were simply too compassionate to hurt someone who is mentally disabled. Most likely, he would have been confined and heavily monitored at all times.


27th Jul 2023

The Village (2004)

Question: What was the purpose of the black boxes? If the original villagers created the village to escape the "evil things", why take reminders of the evil things with you into your supposed sanctuary? Anyone can find a key to a box and open it. Unless Edward Walker only had some kind of master key to all of them. Also, when the elders and their wives eventually die off, what would become of the boxes? Would the next generations find out their contents? Would they be buried or destroyed?

Answer: The items were not necessarily reminders of evil things, but a remembrance of their previous lives, why they left everything behind, and of the people they loved and lost. It's never explained how or if the boxes would be destroyed at some point. Possibly, when a person and also their spouse died, another elder might gather the box before younger family members accessed it. It may have been stipulated in a will that it went to another elder. Of course, the boxes are merely a rather flimsy plot device to reveal more information about the elders and their reason for leaving the modern world.


Answer: It's an old custom. Throwing a glass into a fireplace and smashing it after drinking a toast is supposed to indicate that nothing can ever exceed that toast's importance. It ensures that the glass will never be used for another toast or even for an ordinary drink that would lessen what the previous toast represented.


Question: Does anyone know what type of shoes the Golden Trio are all wearing in the last hour or so?

Answer: Ron is wearing scruffy, lace-up leather work-type shoes that are most likely hand-me-downs. Harry and Hermione are wearing sneakers (or trainers as they're called in the UK). No brand names were visible, if that is what you're asking.


22nd Jul 2023

Timecop (1994)

Question: It is revealed that same matter cannot occupy the same space. Walker carries his other self to safety after being knocked out. Wouldn't this break those rules?

Answer: At what point does Walker carry himself? Present day Walker is knocked out while outside the house. Future Walker kills the guy and then goes into the house. Unless you're talking about a deleted scene, future Walker never moves or touches present day Walker. Future Walker carries his wife to safety and lays her next to the knocked out Walker.


Answer: Technically, the two Walkers would not simultaneously share the same space just by touching. It was only when the older Walker forcefully shoved the two McCombs together that their bodies melded into each other, and both were destroyed.


Tea Time - S4-E10

Question: Mrs. Teleton says that she won't divorce her husband, nor allow him to "obtain a divorce." What is the difference?

Answer: She means she won't allow him to be the one to divorce her; she will contest it and won't sign the papers if he does file, and she will fight any grounds he attempts to file under.


Question: When Indy and Helena go to the tomb, they find the watch on Archimedes' wrist. However, when they go to his time, Archimedes offers the watch atop the present-day Antikythera. How can the watch still be there if it was given back?

Answer: I remember that Archimedes gave Indy the dial, but he kept the wristwatch.


20th Jul 2023

Lakeview Terrace (2008)

Question: Just a thought. If the Mattsons chose to file a complaint against Abel, would his history of unethical behaviour on the job make his superiors more inclined to take the complaint seriously? It just seems odd to me that accusations of inappropriate behaviour against a policeman outside the job would be dismissed so easily when he has a long history of questionable behaviour on the job.


Answer: It's not unheard of that some police departments have covered up their own officers' inappropriate behaviour or misdeeds, particularly ones who are higher ranking. It would then become a matter for Internal Affairs or even the Department of Justice to investigate.


20th Jul 2023

Charade (1963)

Question: Why was Charlie running away from Paris? And what happened to the things from his apartment?

Answer: Charles was escaping to South America because his cohorts were after him for their share of the stolen army gold. Charles had sold off all the apartment furnishings and other items while Reggie was gone before intending to disappear, though he was killed before getting away.


19th Jul 2023

Anastasia (1997)

Question: Anya believes she has family in Paris, according to her necklace. However, if she had never met Dimitri and Vladimir and gotten there herself, how would she have been able to find her "family" if she did not remember their names, her real name, and last name?

Ashley Davis

Answer: Anya was desperate to locate her family and may have been willing to search for additional leads in Paris. Thousands of Russian refugees had settled in Paris after escaping the revolution, and they could have helped her, someone might have recognized her, and so on. Also, Anya's memory was slowly returning.


14th Jul 2023

Batman (1966)

Answer: There were three well-known actors who played Mr. Freeze, each one a different height, weight, and physique. As these were notable guest stars, the costume designers would adapt the costume to best fit each actor who likely would want to avoid comparisons to the other Mr. Freezes, incorporate their preferences, as well as refresh the look, rework whatever didn't work in previous versions, and so on.


12th Jul 2023

ALF (1986)

Border Song - S1-E18

Question: How did Alf grow so much zucchini when he insists that he didn't plant any? Did I miss something? Is there a deleted scene, maybe?

Answer: Regarding the "how", zucchini is an easy-to-grow vegetable that proliferates quickly, almost like a weed. My mother and our neighbours used to grow it, resulting in an over-abundance that was sometimes difficult to give away.


Answer: In addition to Raywest's comment, Alf must have planted some zucchini, unless it originated from a neighbouring property. He is probably joking when he says that he didn't plant any, because he knows the family is mildly annoyed.

3rd Jul 2023

My Girl (1991)

Question: Is it ever said how Vada's mother died? Harry mentions she met Vada and lived a couple of days after her birth.

Answer: She still died due to complications from childbirth, despite living another couple of days. Hence why Vada believes that she "killed" her mother. Jane Seymour, the third wife of Henry VIII, also died from complications, but she lived for two weeks after.

To add an additional example to your accurate answer, a condition like postpartum pre-eclampsia (extreme hypertension) can occur from a few days to six weeks after giving birth and is sometimes fatal.


The D'Arcy Files - S8-E20

Question: Jefferson doesn't know who the vice president was during Eisenhower's presidency. Why does this convince Al that Jefferson is a real American?

Answer: The joke being that Americans don't know their own history, whereas foreigners do. When applying for US citizenship (naturalization), non-exempt applicants have to take a civics test that tests the person's knowledge of US government and history.


Answer: Although the vice presidency is the second-highest U.S. office, it is also a relatively non-powerful one. Few VPs were notable or distinctive while in office, and most are forgotten once their term ended unless they later assumed the presidency, such as Teddy Roosevelt, Richard Nixon, and Lyndon Johnson. A few VPs who became president, such as Andrew Johnson, Chester A. Arthur, John Tyler, and Millard Fillmore, are barely remembered for holding either office.


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