The Karate Kid Part II

Question: What happened to Chozen's friends, Toshio and Taro? After being defeated by Mr. Miyagi (in the scene where Chozen hits Mr. Miyagi with the spear) they no longer appear in the movie. Is this possible that they perished during the typhoon? If they didn't, then what happened to them?

Question: When Chozen, while bullying Daniel, takes the latter's handheld drum (which Chozen mockingly called a "baby rattle") and calls the latter a baby, Kumiko, sticking up for Daniel, fiercely says a phrase in Japanese (or Ryukyuan) to Chozen. What exactly does Kumiko say, and what does it mean? (00:57:50)

Answer: "You are crazy."

Question: Why does Sato's nephew Chozen take an immediate dislike to Daniel?

Answer: Miyagi and Sato were once close friends who became bitter enemies when they loved the same woman; Chozen's instant dislike of Daniel is simply because Daniel is the student of his uncle's enemy.


Question: Throughout the film, are there a series of deliberate 'Back to the Future' references? I noticed two straight away - Daniel says 'If you put your mind to it anything is possible, you can do anything' which is repeated several times during BTTF. Also, when Daniel and Kumiko are at the dance, the song 'Earth Angel' can be heard. The song at the climax of the dance in BTTF. Are these deliberate, as BTTF was a year before this movie?

Professor Lazarus

Chosen answer: No it is not deliberate. what Daniel says is a common saying, and Earth Angel was a popular song. coincidence at best.


Answer: Also, Daniel's "put your mind to it you can accomplish anything" (before painting the fence) was used in the first film from 1984 - a year BEFORE Back to the Future came out.

Answer: Ralph has stated that in every movie he's in, because he has a poor sense of smell, what he smells is food.

Question: If the crane kick is done correctly and no one can defend against it, why didn't it work in the fight against Chozen?

Answer: I think the term "correctly executed" is meant to include that the opponent is unprepared for the kick. In the first film, Johnny got confused by the unorthodox crane stance, and walked right into the kick. Chozen, however, is trained in the Miyagi style of karate and knows the kick himself, so he is capable of defending against it.


Answer: I think it's because it was done incorrectly when Daniel did it against Chozen. You see he was too close to Chozen and was taking way too long, therefore giving Chozen the upper hand.

Answer: Because Kreese never loses. Ever. Period. He's not a loser. Especially considering his opponent.

Alan Keddie

Question: Daniel gets his driver's license on his birthday the night before the tournament in part I. In part II, six months later, he went to his senior prom. Did he really start his senior year when he was 15?

Answer: If he skipped a grade in elementary school, sure. I graduated at 17, beginning my senior year at 16, and never skipped a grade.


Answer: Daniel is 17. There are lots of reasons he might have delayed getting his license. The biggest part (though not stated) is that he recently moved from NJ at the start of the movie. He might not have been able to learn to drive and take his test in NJ prior to moving. There should be no presumption that he spent time in an overseas school.

Answer: What I think is more likely is that Ali was a year older, and he escorted her to her senior prom.


Answer: I suspect that for a year or more, Daniel maybe lived in India, South Korea, Japan, or any other country with a higher education system, than America's education system... So Daniel, despite being younger, may be a few grade levels ahead of other students his age.

Answer: Well also when you're a senior you're usually 18 and that's when you get your driver's license or even earlier, at age 16.

Question: After Daniel breaks the slabs of ice and after walking out of the bar Miyagi divides the bet money with Daniel. The money is US dollars. Shouldn't they be using Yen?

Answer: Okinawa is also the site of a number of US military bases, so US currency is likely to be somewhat common there.


Answer: Most nations will accept another country's currency which can then be converted at a bank or other financial institution. About the only issue is the exchange rate, as converting one currency to another is usually not equal (i.e. a U.S. dollar is not worth the same as a Canadian dollar) and the exchange rate always fluctuates. A fee is also charged by the institution whenever currency is exchanged.


Answer: It may be a country that accepts both types of currency. In Canada, for example, many businesses accept both Canadian and American money.

Answer: Marriage isn't always about romantic love and many are entered into for a variety of reasons, and depending on the culture, there are many different views and beliefs regarding what constitutes wedlock. Just because someone wasn't in love with their spouse, does not mean they didn't respect that person, their union, or the overall institution of matrimony.


Question: Is the tea ceremony a real tradition or was it made up for the movie?

Answer: It's real. The tea ceremony was orignally used as a way to relax Samurai who were about to go into battle. It's very complicated and has many rules to remember and the participants are only allowed to speak about the tea itself. The point is to keep the Samurai's mind off the battle as much as possible.


Answer: He's using wooden weights, so the goods he buys will register less than their actual weight and he'll pay less than he actually owes.

Brian Katcher

Question: What exactly is the drum technique that Daniel defeats Chosen with?

Answer: The technique, much like the crane kick in the first movie, was made up for the film. If you are asking what exactly Daniel is doing when he performs the move; he is blocking with one arm, striking with the opposite hand and rapidly switching sides. The move works as a metaphor for the overall theme of the entire series: balance.


Answer: He has showed up in Cobra Kai season 3. Daniel travels to Okinawa for business and meets many old friends including Chozen who teaches him the final secret of Myaghi Do Karate.

Answer: There has never been any explanation of what happened to any of the characters who debuted in The Karate Kid Part II. The series Cobra Kai has so far focused only on Daniel, Johnny, and Kreese while introducing new characters. I wouldn't say it's unlikely Chosen would show up at some point, Yuji Okamoto (the actor who played Chosen) still acts regularly and could easily be brought to the series if the writers decided to focus on his character.


Question: In part 1, when Mr. Myagi was explaining the crane technique, he said that if it was done right, there was no defense. But in part 2, when Daniel was fighting Chozen, he used the crane technique, and Chosen was able to counter it. How was he able to do that if there was no defense? And also, why didn't Chozen know about the drum technique if his uncle and Mr. Myagi had the same teacher?

Answer: Chozen was trained in the same style as Daniel, so he recognized the stance. He faked Daniel out making him throw the kick to empty air and then had enough time to grab his leg. In the tournament from the first film, Johnny walked right into the kick since he didn't know what was coming.

Answer: Chozen was born and raised to know karate, Daniel was still a student with more to learn. Myagi had been living in the United Staes since the 1940s, new moves and techniques change constantly, especially after 40 years away from home.

Answer: If referring to the blonde in the first movie, that was Elisabeth Shue, not Kristy Swanson.

Okay my mistake but did they decline returning or what?


Answer: Part II was mainly focused on the storyline in Okinawa. Miyagi speaks with Heller on the phone briefly (though she's not seen or heard) to say he will take care of Daniel on the trip. She was not essential to be in this film.

Answer: To add to the previous answer, Elisabeth Shue went back to Harvard to continue her studies which is why she doesn't appear in the sequel.

Answer: Ali was originally only supposed to have a very small role in Part 2. Elizabeth Shue declined to reprise the role because she was studying at Harvard at the time. I can't find any explanation online as to why Randee Heller was not in Part 2 and was barely in Part 3.


Answer: Like all studio executives they think mixing things up by bringing in new characters into different settings would keep the franchise fresh. Most of the sequels from the 1980's were given minor or major cast changes.

Other mistake: When Chozen is buying vegetables from the villagers, one of the weights from the scale is knocked onto the ground. Daniel picks it up and realises that its not a real weight and breaks it in half. If Chozen wanted to cheat the villagers when he weighed their vegetables, he would need weights that were heavier than normal, not lighter plastic ones. Lighter weights would mean that Chozen would need to add far more of the light weights to make any amount of vegetables balance out, therefore he would be paying more for the vegetables than they are worth.

More mistakes in The Karate Kid Part II

Sato: Miyagi, I wait long time for this. No tricks tonight, or tomorrow, everything gone. Their homes. Their church. everything! gone.

More quotes from The Karate Kid Part II

Trivia: When Daniel and Miyagi are picked up at the airport by Chosen, the radio is switched a few times before landing on a specific station. The song the radio is playing is the same song played at the country club in Karate Kid I where Johnny kisses Ali.

More trivia for The Karate Kid Part II

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