Phil C.

27th Aug 2003

Heat (1995)

Corrected entry: When De Niro, Sizemore, and Kilmer are trying to get away from the police after their bank robbery in downtown LA, the tires of their car get shot out by Sgt. Drucker. He uses a 12 gauge shotgun. If you take into account the distance between Sgt. Drucker and the car (there's a cutscene) and how the pellets of a 12 gauge shell disperse after discharge, it is nearly impossible to shoot out a tire of a car like it's done in the movie.

Correction: Sgt. Drucker is not the only one firing at the car at that time - there are dozens of cops, on both sides of the street, at many different distances, using many different weapons. There's so much lead flying it's impossible to identify who holed the tires.

Phil C.

Given that we see the tire explode immediately after Drucker fires, it's clear the audience is supposed to take away that Drucker was the one who shot it out. The mistake entry is valid.

4th Dec 2002

Heat (1995)

Corrected entry: When Vincent Hannah (Al Pacino) and his men are to arrest the lover of Val Kilmer's wife, this guy, shot several times alternately with Al Pacino, has his tie done in quite different ways, althought he never touches it.

Correction: If this is referring to Alan Marciano, his tie is cinched neatly around his neck when Hanna bursts into the office. After Vincent grabs him by the neck and throws him face down on the desk, then yanks him back into his seat, the tie is naturally skewed to one side. It remains skewed to the side for the remainder of the scene.

Phil C.

27th Aug 2001

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Corrected entry: When Al finds Woody in the yard sale and tries to buy it, Andy's mom says it's a family toy and takes it away from Al. Then she locks Woody in the box where she's keeping the money. Al creates a diversion and then steals Woody from the box. Not only does Andy's mom not realise that Woody has been stolen, but she is not even surprised when at the end of the film Andy shows her he has fixed Woody. Didn't she see that the box had been opened and Woody had disappeared? Why wasn't she surprised when Woody reappeared in Andy's bedroom? Not to mention the mysterious appearance of 5 new toys that hadn't been there before...

Correction: We don't see any of Andy's mom after the yard sale until the very end of the film. It's reasonable to assume that she DID wonder where he went and was curious about how he turned up again. As for the "mysterious appearance of 5 new toys", once again, we never see Andy's mom's reaction to the new toys. She would probably have been rather confused as to how they got there, but we simply never see her reaction.

Phil C.

28th Aug 2003

Dante's Peak (1997)

Corrected entry: When the helicopter crashes, Harry calls and asks his friend to send for the fire services. Isn't it likely that they are busy in the town helping to evacuate the people?

Correction: Yes. And as soon as Harry does so, Greg responds, "Jesus, Harry. O-kay." in a frustrated tone, implying that they've already got their hands pretty full, but he'll do what he can.

Phil C.

27th Aug 2003

Toy Story 2 (1999)

Corrected entry: When Woody and Jessie jump off the airplane and are saved by Buzz, you see that shortly after they get off, the plane takes off. In the next few seconds another plane comes in for a landing. The tire flies over the heads of the characters and then lands. It is impossible for a plane to be landing and stopping before the end of the runway where the other plane took off just moments before.

Correction: Depends on the runway layout and the airport layout. Some airports (LAX and Logan for example) have very long single stretches of runway separated by strips that crisscross them. The landing plane could have come down short of the "starting" point for the next runway but would still have plenty of space ahead to stop.

Phil C.

8th Sep 2003

Heat (1995)

Corrected entry: Pacino arrives at various crime scenes throughout the movie, and gets let through the police tape by a patrol cop without him having to flash his badge. Maybe they've been made aware of Pacino's imminent arrival. When De Niro is running away into the airfield near the end of the movie, and Pacino giving chase, he grabs a shotgun out of a cops arms as he runs, simply saying "Gimme that shotgun." To this the cop just answers "Yes, Sir." The patrol cars have only just arrived at the hotel after the Waingro shooting, so how would one of those cops know who the guy grabbing his shotgun was?

Correction: The LAPD does not have so many members that none of the cops in the force would ever recognize each other by sight. Consider also that Vincent, as a police lieutenant with many years on the force, and known to spend nearly all of his time at work, would probably be fairly well known within the LAPD. Many characters frequently greet him by name without him introducing himself. They recognize him; why shouldn't the cop with the shotgun, or the one by the police tape?

Phil C.

8th Sep 2003

Dante's Peak (1997)

Corrected entry: If the Mayor and Harry know that the volcano would erupt soon, then why would they run the risk of letting the kids stay up on the mountain?

Correction: They don't do anything of the sort. Harry and Rachel drive up the mountain despite the dangerous conditions in order to get the kids BACK.

Phil C.

I think what they meant is why Rachel wouldn't keep her kids with her if she and Harry knew the mountain was gonna blow. After all, they asked why she left them ON the mountain, not basically that she abandoned them altogether and didn't care about their safety.

I think the point is the meeting they called was, as Harry stated, "precautionary". They didn't know when exactly the volcano was going to erupt - obviously it wasn't expected to go at that moment (obviously would be for dramatic effect) hence why Rachel left her kids in situ and would've started their own evacuation process had the meeting concluded without the volcano exploding.

Corrected entry: In the battle of Helm's Deep, why would the Uruk-Hai try so hard to storm the fortress gates when a huge section of the wall had just been blown up? That particular area wasn't being heavily defended.

Correction: Elementary strategy - divide and conquer. The more different places your enemy has to defend, the thinner he must spread his defenses and the less effective the defense will be at any of those points.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: In the highway scene where Morpheus stands in between the two trucks, the katana is on the left truck. When he catches the keymaker, he throws him onto the truck on the right and then fights an agent on the same truck, but when he is hanging on the side of the truck the katana magically appears.

Correction: You're mistaken. Morpheus throws the Keymaker onto the same truck that the katana was jammed into, which is why he is able to pull it back out when his fight with Agent Johnson doesn't go well.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: There's a big problem in the end, when Barbosa is shot. At the time he is shot, the curse is not yet broken, but Will breaks it by throwing the coins back with blood on them. Then Barbosa feels the shot, and dies. But why doesn't all the pirates on board of the Dauntless die? They have been shot and cut with swords before the curse was broken, just like Barbosa.

Correction: Debatable point. While Barbosa's definitely shot before the two coins are dropped back in the chest, it could be argued that the moon plays an important part. As seen when the pirates have a bomb thrown at them then are shoved out of the moonlight, the lack of moonlight seems to regenerate skin over their bones. It's not just an illusion - they're either solid or skeletal depending on moonlight or not. Therefore it could be argued that injuries they receive when skeletal are repaired when they go out of moonlight. Any injuries they receive when solid don't affect them because they're cursed - we never see the effect of an uncursed solid injury except on Barbosa. Therefore because he's wounded and then the curse is lifted, when he's not under the "healing" moon, any recently incurred injuries have their full lethal consequences.

Phil C.

27th Aug 2003

Ronin (1998)

Corrected entry: De Niro pronounces 'Hereford' incorrectly when interrogating Sean Bean's character. He say 'Here ford', as in two different words. It should be pronounced 'Herryford'. I am surprised Sean Bean didn't correct this.

Correction: De Niro's character is American and he wouldn't know the correct pronunciation. As for Sean Bean's character, he doesn't correct De Niro because he is a fraud, as evidenced by the fact that he doesn't know what color the Hereford boathouse is. His accent and background are faked.

Phil C.

There is zero indication that Sean Bean is not British and why would he fake being British on top of everything else? Every Brit knows how to pronounce Hereford and De Niro uses the mistake that is only made by Americans indicating he messed it up and nobody dared to correct him.

The correction is still valid. It's not a mistake for an American character to pronounce a word in an American way. The mistake seems to indicate Bean in real life didn't correct Pacino (which the comment also indicates), not that the character Spence should have corrected Sam. Pronouncing words in an American or British (or any other country) way is only a mistake if it goes against how the established character would say the word (e.g Dr. House saying a word Laurie's natural British way).


2nd Sep 2003

The Terminator (1984)

Correction: Reconnoitering the area, learning the layout of Los Angeles, and preparing for his assault, one can assume. Do you think that just because we don't see every move he makes, he must be twiddling his thumbs off in a corner somewhere?

Phil C.

Correction: Cameron provided a breakdown of the Terminator's actions before he begins his search: He located the dingy room we see him using as a safe house. He obtained a car. He sourced the necessary maintenance tools and bandages used to repair himself, as well as the change of clothes. He visited the gun shop and obtained his arsenal of weapons. Finally, back in the room, he converted his guns to full auto (they can't be sold to consumers with that function enabled).

27th Aug 2003

The Terminator (1984)

Corrected entry: When Kyle and his female consort take down the HK tank (2nd future war segment) there's something which confuses me: Kyle, being the intelligent soldier that he is, crouches and waits until the HK is looking the other way before throwing his grenade at it. The female soldier however remains standing in plain view of everyone and doesn't throw hers until the HK's head is looking directly at her (which of course results in her getting pulverised by laser fire). While she may not be as well trained a soldier as Kyle, common sense would dictate to anyone that attacking from a position where the enemy can both see you and hit you is just asking for it.

Correction: The novelization makes this clear. Ferro (the corporal who gets shot by the HK) slipped on the rubble as she armed her charge. She had to expose herself to the HK in order to get rid of the charge before it detonated in her hands.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: When Arwen and Frodo are being chased by the Ringwraiths, in some editions and certainly in the cinema, the soundtrack to the scene was of a cantering horse. Canter is three beats, whereas gallop (which is what all the horses on screen are doing) is four very fast beats that frequently sound like a single beat. It is also obvious that there should be more than one horse on the soundtrack (both Asfaloth and the Ringwraiths' horses), but instead the soundtrack (in the cinema and on my VHS copy at least) is of a single horse.

Correction: Sound issues such as this are impossible to report accurately on a system with an analog or inadequate sound setup (VHS). A proper 5.1 home theater setup has multiple hoofbeat tracks coming from all directions depending on the location of the horse. The soundtrack also accurately portrays Arwen's horse Asfaloth in a full gallop.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: When they are going into the Cyberdyne building, T800 leaves the guns BY THE DOORS. Yet, when the police are blasting away at them, he suddenly, magically has them.

Correction: They left the guns, explosives, and everything else outside the front door so they would be able to lull the guard at the desk into a sense of security and could get rid of him before he tripped the silent alarm. Once they tied him up and left him in the bathroom, they would have gone back outside to get the weapons and explosives.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: In the scene where the T-X is driving and being pulled over by a police officer who spots her speeding, she gives herself larger breasts. If she's as powerful as they say she is and practically manages to kill anyone and everything on the spot, why would she need larger breasts to get rid of a single police officer?

Correction: For any number of reasons. One that comes immediately to mind: she could have been checking to see how well her disguise worked, to make sure she could pass for human. Or she could have been trying not to attract attention to herself, since she has no idea at that time where her target is and likewise has no idea how long it might take to acquire the target.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: In the freeway scene, when they are coming out from behind the truck, the shot-out tire is inflated then deflated again.

Correction: Wrong. Once shot out, the tire is never again seen "inflated", just as it should be. The tire occasionally changes shape as the car swerves back and forth (as would occur naturally) but it never "reinflates" itself.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: When neo is talking to the Council member because they both can't sleep, the Council member mentions that he doesn't like sleep, and has been sleeping for 11 years so he figures he'd make up for the lost time, this would mean that he was plugged in. But there is no plug in the back of his head, and its not in his hair. (00:17:00)

Correction: We see plugs in many of the stars of the film because they still need to use theirs to reenter the Matrix. It is reasonable to assume that people like Councillor Hamann (and some of the other people we see, for example, during the celebration scene) would never need to reenter the Matrix and would want all evidence of their prior lives removed, plugs and all.

Phil C.

Corrected entry: During the freeway chase sequence, Morpheus is fighting against an Agent on the top of a truck. Morpheus wards him off pretty well considering that he got his guts kicked out by Agent Smith in the first movie. Quite a progress in contrast to Trinity who while fighting against an Agent in the skyscraper gets herself thrown around like a doll and even takes a bullet in the belly. It's never explained why Morpheus has suddenly become so powerful.

Correction: Agent Smith in the first film was the premier Agent, the strongest and fastest and most powerful of them all. Something else to keep in mind: Morpheus only managed to do so well against Agent Johnson because he had a weapon, giving him much more of an edge in hand-to-hand combat. Even so, he gets flung around quite a bit himself and the end result is the same: he still loses the fight.

Phil C.

26th Aug 2003

Equilibrium (2002)

Corrected entry: In the movie it seems everyone in the government, even young boys in training, are constantly on the lookout for behaviour indicating sense crimes. For instance Cleric Preston is put on alert by the inflection his first partner gives a couple of words. Yet throughout the film Father and Taye Diggs exhibit fairly normal, human emotions, including angry outbursts without anyone taking notice.

Correction: This is because Dupont (NOT Father, the character seen on the video screens) and Cleric Brandt are both off the dose. Wimmer has confirmed this in numerous interviews. As for why they weren't turned in, Dupont never goes out in public, so no one would notice his behavior; and as for Brandt, who is going to turn in a Grammaton Cleric unless it were another Cleric?

Phil C.

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