The Jackal
The Jackal mistake picture

Deliberate mistake: Declan and Preston are hanging out at an airfield in a blue car when they realise one of the numbers in the notebook they have is an FBI access code that The Jackal now has. In establishing shot of this scene you see the blue car sitting more towards the left with Declan on the hood. Then when Preston calls in this finding and they get a helicopter to come pick them up, in the shot with the chopper coming the car is now suddenly much further to the right. It seems they had to move it during filming to allow a place for the chopper to land. (01:19:05 - 01:20:30)

Quantom X

Continuity mistake: When the Jackal shoots Lamont, only the lower arm is shot off. Then we cut to the Jackal, who says 'I told you it was off', and when we cut back to Lamont, the arm is cut way up at the shoulder. (01:00:30)

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Terek Murad: Here's what I can do! [Kills a man with an ax to the head.] I loved this man like a brother... He was a dear friend and partner to me. So I took no joy in that! But just think... If I could do this to one I love, what could I do to someone I hate? So the American F.B.I declares war on us? Then war it is. (00:09:20)

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Trivia: When Richard Gere asks Koslova about her name, you can hear the theme song for the 1970's TV show Kojak playing in the background. Richard Gere was in the Season 4, Episode 1 of this show called Birthday Party. (00:29:10)

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Question: What is the title and author of the music played at Isabella's house on the stereo?

Answer: It's called "Red Tape" by Agent Provocateur.

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