The Jackal

Remake of 'The Day Of The Jackal'. featuring Bruce Willis as an assassin out to kill the first lady and Richard Gere as an imprisoned former IRA terrorist with a personal grudge who joins the team after the assassin.

Continuity mistake: Near the end of the movie, the Jackal tries to kill the first lady in Washington. This is where the hospital opening takes place. When he flees into the subway station, the name it has is indeed of a station in Washington (Capitol Heights), the subway-cars however are from the Montreal subway system (which ride around on rubber tyres). (01:45:10 - 01:47:55)

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Declan Mulqueen: Preston, what about letting me have a gun?
Preston: Are you crazy? If the right people knew I was letting you walk around without cuffs, I'd have forced retirement.

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Trivia: When Richard Gere asks Koslova about her name, you can hear the theme song for the 1970's TV show Kojak playing in the background. Richard Gere was in the Season 4, Episode 1 of this show called Birthday Party. (00:29:10)

Quantom X

More trivia for The Jackal

Question: Why didn't Koslova try to fight while the Jackal is talking to her?

Answer: Because she's dying, in shock, losing blood, and in pain.


Answer: She's in too much pain to fight. He also just helped her to slow her bleeding, after that she seems to weirdly trust him.

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