
Deliberate mistake: There's a bizarre editing gaff in the opening fight of the Director's Cut. At one point, Fasil's sword vanishes (for no real reason) and he starts to do backflips. The scene then cuts away, and when it cuts back, he's suddenly running and has his sword again. A few shots later, he's suddenly doing backflips and has lost his sword again. (It's meant to be Fasil doing the flips.) The editing makes absolutely no sense. It's like they somehow mixed up two different scenes during editing.


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Connor MacLeod: I apologize for calling your wife a bloated warthog, and I bid you good day.

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Trivia: In the video versions, the scene where MacLeod rescues Rachel, the text the German SS officer speaks has not been subtitled or otherwise translated, so it may not be obvious why MacLeod eventually kills the German (I don't know whether that was rectified in the DVDs). Here the translation of the German text: MacLeod trips up the officer and seizes his weapon. The German calls: "You should be dead." When MacLeod orders him to move, the German says: "No. First you will have to shoot me." Then MacLeod gives off his opinion about the 'master race', and then shoots him.

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Question: What purpose (if any) do those tiny blades that flip out near the hilt of the Kurgan's sword?

Answer: You can lock your opponent's blade in there. It's good for disabling, disarming, and if you've got the leverage, breaking their blade.


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