
Audio problem: The sounds of the weapons being used in the movie are evidently inserted in most cases. Like 1) When MacLeod fights Fasil in the Madison Square Garden garage, he uses an iron bar to ward off the sword blows - the twin sounds in both impacts are exactly the same, but in the second instance, the bar is hit only once. 2) When MacLeod and Brenda are ambushed by Kurgan, MacLeod swings a cable or chain at Kurgan. The sounds are exactly like those of the swinging swords.

Audio problem: On the roof of Silvercup Studios at the end, Brenda is screaming, but her lips don't match the screams.

Audio problem: The bad guy (Kurgan) stabs a thug and raises him in the air. During this scene the guy stabbed is making noises, including the word "what", however his mouth doesn't match up with what he is mumbling.


Continuity mistake: In the Madison Square Garden fight scene between MacLeod and Fasil, Fasil's shades fall off after he rolls over a car, and the shot of them on the ground shows him running away in the reflection. McCloud stands over them looking around...and a few seconds later Fasil strikes a junction box, with his shades miraculously back on his face.

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Connor MacLeod: I apologize for calling your wife a bloated warthog, and I bid you good day.

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Trivia: Whether it's deliberation or happenstance, Brenda Wyatt's first name is a Norse girl name meaning "sword".

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Question: What purpose (if any) do those tiny blades that flip out near the hilt of the Kurgan's sword?

Answer: You can lock your opponent's blade in there. It's good for disabling, disarming, and if you've got the leverage, breaking their blade.


More questions & answers from Highlander

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