
Revealing mistake: The initial fight with Fasil is supposed to take place in the parking garage underneath Madison Square Garden. But in the shot where wrestler Terry Gordy is smashing his head against the turnbuckle, a banner for the New Jersey Nets is visible in the upper left corner of the screen. The arena scenes were actually shot at the Meadowlands Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey, where the Nets play.

Revealing mistake: During the end fight between Kurgan and Connor, Brenda can be seen holding onto the illuminated sign. You can also see the safety harness used to keep her from falling off, as well as two wires attached to the sign which are used to pull it over after Kurgan has sliced the supports from underneath.


Revealing mistake: When McLeod has his sword kicked away in the carpark, he grabs a metal pole from the fire point, only it bends when he grabs it and bends several times when he uses it, showing that it's made from foam rubber.

Revealing mistake: At the end during the sword fight, sparks fly off whenever the Kurgan hits something metal. However, at one point, the sparks fly out a full second after the Kurgan strikes it. You don't even need slo-mo.

Revealing mistake: This is just after the Kurgan kills the black Immortal. The Marines sees him in the alleyway after the Kurgan kills the Immortal, then it cuts to a shot of the marine. Look at the Kurgan's shadow-it just jumps randomly around the place thanks to dodgy editing.

Revealing mistake: When the Kurgen and Ramirez are fighting in Connor's home, watch the large pieces of stone that break away from the wall. They are obviously lightweight foam replicas of stone, evidenced by one or two shots where the Kurgen lightly pushes one slightly out of his way.

More mistakes in Highlander

Brenda: So, Nash was illegitimate?
Doctor: Yeah, for about a minute and a half. He died right after she did.

More quotes from Highlander

Trivia: In the video versions, the scene where MacLeod rescues Rachel, the text the German SS officer speaks has not been subtitled or otherwise translated, so it may not be obvious why MacLeod eventually kills the German (I don't know whether that was rectified in the DVDs). Here the translation of the German text: MacLeod trips up the officer and seizes his weapon. The German calls: "You should be dead." When MacLeod orders him to move, the German says: "No. First you will have to shoot me." Then MacLeod gives off his opinion about the 'master race', and then shoots him.

More trivia for Highlander

Question: What purpose (if any) do those tiny blades that flip out near the hilt of the Kurgan's sword?

Answer: You can lock your opponent's blade in there. It's good for disabling, disarming, and if you've got the leverage, breaking their blade.


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