
Continuity mistake: After Vianne tosses her mother's ashes into the strong "north wind" she closes the window and turns to Anouk who is laying in bed. We see Anouk's hair blowing gently about her face for a few seconds, but this would not be possible since the window had been closed (and presumably no others are open on such a cold, blustery morning). (01:50:15)

Continuity mistake: The setting for the film is a village on top of a high hill; however, the slow running river which supposedly runs next to the village would not be there. Water courses always seek the lowest points which would be in the valley away from the village. You can see from the opening aerial view that the river would have to be far from the hill. (00:03:50)

Roux: How's the door?
Vianne Rocher: It squeaks.
Roux: Does it?

More quotes from Chocolat

Question: What exactly was Anouk doing when she hid crumbled-up pieces of paper under her blanket to fool her mother that she's just sleeping? What was she trying to do?

Cody Fairless-Lee

More questions & answers from Chocolat

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