
Question: What exactly was Anouk doing when she hid crumbled-up pieces of paper under her blanket to fool her mother that she's just sleeping? What was she trying to do?

Cody Fairless-Lee

Question: What did the little town have that the mayor wished to preserve?

Answer: The mayor is resistant to any change and tries to subvert any influence that threatens its traditions.


Question: Quite simple really, is Pantoufle a real Kangaroo?

Answer: Imaginary friend.

Jack's Revenge

Continuity mistake: In one scene, Alfred Molina's character forgets he should have a French accent and speaks to the minister, who is gardening, with his best London accent for the whole scene. It's very obvious - the whole cinema started laughing. (01:05:00)

More mistakes in Chocolat

Roux: How's the door?
Vianne Rocher: It squeaks.
Roux: Does it?

More quotes from Chocolat

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