Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
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Suggested correction: Doors from the outside view are different on every floor, they are not moving up and down together with the lift.

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When we first see Finkle's room, it's an inside shot and it's completely dark. But when we see the rest of the room, there is a "shrine" to Marino, with candles already lit. (00:49:00)

Continuity mistake: When Ace enters the bathroom at Camp's mansion, a towel falls to the floor from the door. However, when he exits the bathroom soaking wet, there is a closeup of his shoes and the floor and the towel is gone.

Continuity mistake: When Ace looks through Finkle's stuff he holds up two knitted coasters. They change hands between the two shots.

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Ace is trying to figure out the Finkle/Einhorn connection there is, what looks like, an air horn on the far end of the table to the right of the dog. A shot or two later when it shows the dog's hair around the picture of Finkle you can see the end of the horn laying right next to the dog on his left side.(This is visible in the screen shot already on the site that shows the dogs hair position changing.).


Continuity mistake: When Ace is dressed as a HDS delivery man, he starts playing soccer with the package he is carrying. After that you can see that the box is open at the top. When he is at the door, you can see that someone has put new tape on it to close it again.

Continuity mistake: When Ace rummages around in the filter, his hand gets dirty as he grabs hold of some stuff. When he blows the muck away, and is left with just the gem, it is completely spotless.

rabid anarchist

Continuity mistake: After Ace tells Lois Einhorn about Ray Finkle and she steps out of the bath room to sit behind her desk. Pay attention to the filing cabinet to her left. The folders go from organized up right to being on their side.

Continuity mistake: When the man is sitting by a chess board and Ace is talking, as the camera direction moves between characters the chess pieces on the board suddenly disappear and don't return.

Continuity mistake: When the people take the dolphin and put it in the truck near the beginning, they close the truck door and the door is red. When it shows the truck driving away, the door is white. (00:07:15)

Audio problem: At the beginning, when they steal the dolphin, you hear the peel-out sound effect as if the truck was on a paved road, but they were on grass. (00:07:15)

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Trivia: When Ace swings the huge hook at Roc and Vinnie, it was supposed to show them both being decapitated. The scene was quickly cut short to just before the hook hits them both so that they would both survive and be arrested.

More trivia for Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Question: In the UK (Region 2) version of the film, the scene in which Ace pretends to be Hans the dolphin trainer was removed. Can anyone tell me the specific reason why it was removed? Also do any other versions around the world (notably US and Australian versions) remove the scene?


Chosen answer: That scene was cut originally by the director Tom Shadyack because the scene did not support the story and thought it slowed the film down. (And the scene was cut from the US version as well.) It was added back later in TV versions of the film. Fan enjoyed the scene so much they asked it be put back in the film version. I know the DVD has it because I own it. It's hilarious!

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