Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1994)

2 suggested corrections

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Suggested correction: Doors from the outside view are different on every floor, they are not moving up and down together with the lift.

Plot hole: Einhorn's plan had a flaw. No starting quarterback ever holds the ball in any game for the kicker, it's always the back up.


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Suggested correction: This is straight up false. Tony Romo was the starting quarterback for the Dallas Cowboys in a playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks in 2006. He held the ball for a potential game winning field goal, but he bobbled it, and it ended up costing the Cowboys the game. This was already corrected, so I'm not sure why you felt the need to submit it again.


It should be noted that Tony Romo was not starting QB that year. He was the backup QB, until week 7, and his duties as backup was holding the snap. He just kept doing that job to keep the rhythm. Marino was never a backup. Of course, the premises is Ray Finkle (a non existent player) missed a game winning kick in Super Bowl XVII when in fact the Dolphins lost by 10 and Dolphins only attempted 1 FG in the game (and made it, despite Marino not holding the kick), so there's room for a lot a leeway in what the film can have Marino do since they already made up so much to start with.


Sorry I just forgot I'd submitted before, I apologize for this blunder.


Revealing mistake: When Ace and Melissa are in bed together having sex if you look close enough you can see that she is wearing underwear. (00:45:35)

More mistakes in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Lois Einhorn: Listen, pet dick. How would you like me to make your life a living hell?
Ace Ventura: Well, I'm not really ready for a relationship, Lois, but thank you for asking. Hey, maybe I'll give you a call sometime. Your number's still 911? All righty then.

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Trivia: The dolphin was trained to retrieve many objects that were thrown in a pool at SeaWorld Miami. There were maybe 12 -16 different shaped and weighted items that she learned to pick up and place on the side out of the pool and water. One of the objects and the most important was a black rubber gun. Every single time the only object she would not recover was the gun.

More trivia for Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Question: How exactly does an escaped male mental patient who's posing as a woman a) work as a police officer without having violent mood swings most of the time, b) acquire money for breast implants and c) avoid a single physical examination that would have exposed his penis?

Answer: Just because someone has been institutionalized doesn't mean they have mood swings. If this was a manic episode (which it appears to be) there wouldn't be any swings at all. Just manic all the time. It wouldn't last forever, but its different for everyone. As for the money, plastic surgery can be financed! and we don't know if s/he had money stashed away beforehand. And for the last question, I just don't know. Not very likely, but some people get through lots of physical testing that shouldn't. Possibly documents were forged? Just speculation on my part.

Kimberly Mason

Answer: The money came from her pro football career, She stole an identity to become a police officer.

More questions & answers from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

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