Ace Ventura: Pet Detective

Factual error: When Snowflake is being stolen at the beginning, he makes the high-pitched noise that dolphins make even when he is out of the tank; those high peals are made underwater through carrying sound. He wouldn't sound the same out of the water as he did under it.

Factual error: The movie that Ace plays back when he goes to Finkel's house mentions that it is Superbowl 17. Only problem was the entire film references to Super bowl 19 between the Dolphins vs 49ers. Superbowl 17 was Dolphins vs Washington. Added to this the Dolphins lost by much more than just a field goal in both games.

Audio problem: At the beginning, when they steal the dolphin, you hear the peel-out sound effect as if the truck was on a paved road, but they were on grass. (00:07:15)

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Trivia: When Ace enters the club to meet the guy with long blond hair and glasses, the song playing is "Hammer Smashed Face" by death metal band Cannibal Corpse. Jim Carrey is a fan of Cannibal Corpse and insisted they appear in the movie since it takes place in Florida, the "capital" of death metal.

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Question: In the UK (Region 2) version of the film, the scene in which Ace pretends to be Hans the dolphin trainer was removed. Can anyone tell me the specific reason why it was removed? Also do any other versions around the world (notably US and Australian versions) remove the scene?


Chosen answer: That scene was cut originally by the director Tom Shadyack because the scene did not support the story and thought it slowed the film down. (And the scene was cut from the US version as well.) It was added back later in TV versions of the film. Fan enjoyed the scene so much they asked it be put back in the film version. I know the DVD has it because I own it. It's hilarious!

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