Big Daddy

Audio problem: At the park, when Sonny is talking to his two friends, Julian throws a stick in the path of a rollerblader. The scene closes with a laughing Julian proud of the fact that he tripped the poor rollerblader. We hear the blader (off-screen) yell out "G**d**n stick!" This is clearly Adam Sandler's voice (most likely dubbed in during post-production).

Continuity mistake: When Sonny knocks out the delivery guy and he tries to wake him up, he pats him on his pants. When the camera zooms in, his pants are black and white (checkered). The next shot, he's wearing khaki pants.

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Nazo: This is bullshit! Should have same rules for everyone, no matter what age.

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Trivia: Julian was played by twins Cole and Dylan. You can tell which twin is in a scene as Cole has a mole on his left cheek which is paticularly visible in close up.

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Question: Which twin is playing the part of Julian when he is getting taken away from Sonny?

Answer: Cole.

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