Big Daddy

Trivia: Julian was played by twins Cole and Dylan. You can tell which twin is in a scene as Cole has a mole on his left cheek which is paticularly visible in close up.

Trivia: There is some kind of obsession with feet in this film. Corrine is a foot doctor. Sonny tells Julian that he smells like a foot and Julian's teacher's name is Mrs. Foote.

Trivia: In the court scene at the end of the movie, the opposing lawyer is Steven Brill, director of Little Nicky and Mr Deeds, other Adam Sandler films. Plus the guy who Sandler "trick or treats" is Dennis Dougan, director of Happy Gilmore, another Sandler film.

Trivia: The version of "Sweet Child O' Mine" playing during the credits is not by the original line-up of Guns N' Roses. It is by the new line-up of Guns N' Roses and was re-recorded along with other songs.


Trivia: The waitress who gets Julian a root beer in the bar is Adam Sandler's wife, Jackie.

Revealing mistake: When Sonny is on the payphone, you can see Julian mouthing something to the guy on the payphone behind Adam. The guy is giving him instructions.

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Sonny: I know this is the right thing because I would die for this kid just so he won't feel one ounce of sadness. That's why you're here right now, to protect me, to be scared for me to be a good father. And that's exactly what I'm gonna be.

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Question: When Sonny and Layla are in the Laundry, why does Layla put coins in 3 different washing machines? I'm guessing it's because she has a lot of laundry but that would have to be a lot of clothes to wash in one go.

Joe Mc

Chosen answer: I used to have to use the local laundromat and I would use anywhere from four to six machines at once. When you have to leave your home to do laundry you tend to put it off as long as possible. She's also probably separating the different types - light, dark, delicates, etc.


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