Beverly Hills Cop II

Continuity mistake: When Bogomil was running out at Dent's oil fields it was a dry and dusty day. He stopped and picked up some of the dirt - and it was very loose. But there is wet mud on his sneakers. Furthermore with the amount of mud left underneath he would have had to have gotten into a car immediately and driven home - not run - otherwise it would have fallen off. There is so much mud that he couldn't have walked many steps without it falling off.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Rosewood and Taggart are by the window and Rosewood is going to use the gum foil trick, he's looking at the window and holding his shotgun. In the next shot, the gun is already set down with no time passing.


Continuity mistake: When the trio is driving to the racetrack, there's a shot of Axel in the backseat when he was in the front seat. This is the same shot from when they were driving to the City Deposit, with Axel in the backseat, after Axel asks if the car can go any faster.


Continuity mistake: At the beginning when Bogomil is talking to Axel on the phone, he's holding the newspaper clipping with his index and middle fingers extended. When the shot changes, his fingers are tucked behind his thumb.


Factual error: During the final shootout (the one with the rocket launcher) Eddie Murphy is supposedly shooting his pistol while the slide is locked back. Pistols cannot fire like this.

Beverly Hills Cop II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Axel enters Inspector Todd's office before going to LA, the clock on the wall reads about 3:54. Fifteen seconds later when Todd comes around his desk, it reads 3:59 or 4:00. (00:19:40)


Continuity mistake: When Chip is talking with Axel in the gun club he starts putting a cigar in his mouth. In the next immediate wider shot, he repeats the action.


Revealing mistake: After Axel gets off the phone with Jan, when the trio are driving to the racetrack, in one shot Axel has his arm out the passenger side window as he's holding the red police beacon on the car's roof. Note the stunt double's gold watch instead of Axel's black watch. (01:19:45)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Rosewood, Axel and Tagert reach the racetrack, Rosewood stops the car parallel to the stone wall and they open the car doors, but in the next shot the car is parallel to the turnstile gate entrance as they exit the car. (01:23:40)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: The same exterior shot of the Beverly Hills Police Dept is shown three times, with the same people standing/walking around in front. The first is just before Bogomil opens the 'A' envelope. The second is just before Axel looks up the coordinates on the computer, and the third time is just before Bogomil announces his position as chief of police. (00:09:15 - 01:02:00)

Super Grover

Audio problem: When Axel is in the shed in the final shoot-out with Dent and Karla, there is a flopping sound from the ceiling fan. The instant Karla gets shot, the sound disappears.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: When Axel places the matchbook in the turtle-quarium it is almost closed. When Axel comes back after the call, and the finger print shows, the matchbook is open.

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: Axel is driving down a residential street when see a house under construction. In the close up of Axel there is traffic behind him like on a city street. When he decides to turn around he is on a residential street again. (00:29:00)


Continuity mistake: When Axel notices the people working on the house, he's on a busy street with a lot of traffic (look behind him). When he turns the car around it's a smaller street without traffic.


Audio problem: At the gun club, Axel talks to Russ and we see a video screen with the two talking. Russ' mouth is slightly off from what he is saying.


Factual error: While Karla is shooting in the gun club she is using a revolver. Bullet shell casing are flying out from her gun and dropping to the ground. Revolvers do not eject the shell casings while firing.

Continuity mistake: As Sidney Bernstein pulls two $100 bills from his wallet and hands them to Axel he says, "Here's one, here's two. They're real crisp," so then Axel holds the two bills in his right hand and the papers in his left hand. However, in the next shot facing Axel, there are now at least four bills in Axel's right hand. (01:17:35)

Super Grover

Axel Foley: I ain't doing nothing in front of this dude, 'cause this dude is a cop! I know when I can smell a pig inside a room. I used to be a Muslim, man, and I know there's pork over here!

More quotes from Beverly Hills Cop II

Trivia: The cement truck that Billy drives has a sticker saying DS/JB Construction Company. DS and JB stand for the film's producers, Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer.

More trivia for Beverly Hills Cop II

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