Beverly Hills Cop II

Continuity mistake: When Chief Lutz is going through the case in the meeting with the mayor he says "There is no B and D." But there was a B - when Bogomil got shot. Didn't they find that letter?

Jacob La Cour

Continuity mistake: As Axel is driving down the street right before he cons the builders out of the house, you can see in the background a lot of cars as it is a busy street. Axel then makes a U-turn in the middle of the street without getting hit, and no other car is ever seen on this road.

Continuity mistake: When Axel, Rosewood, and Taggart are getting shot at at the oil fields a machine gun tears up the "Property of The US Air Force" crate in front of them. A few seconds later from a distance we can see that the crate is in perfect condition without bullet holes. (01:30:05)


Continuity mistake: At the oil fields warehouse Axel opens a crate of grenades on the back of the truck. The lid from the crate shifts slightly from when he opens it to when he reaches in and takes out some grenades. (01:28:05)


Continuity mistake: When Axel pulls into the warehouse to meet up with Vinnie he barely gets the Ferrari into the dock doorway and it is crooked when he parks it. After he gets out of the car the car is pulled in further into the doorway and parked straight. (01:14:35)


Continuity mistake: When Axel arrives at the hospital he's wearing a gold, round, white faced watch, with a black band. When he's driving, and soon sees the house under construction, the black band on the watch is a type of weave design (note his hand on the steering wheel). When he talks to the foreman, the watch is all black and has a plain black band.

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Rosewood, Axel and Taggart are driving in the car, such as on the way to the City Deposit/Federal Reserve Bank and later on the way to Sidney Bernstein, the car's rearview mirror vanishes and reappears repeatedly. (01:03:10)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: The plate on Karla Fry's Mercedes changes color and goes from 2DTA163 to 1PWJ391. The plate on the Camaro changes three times.

Continuity mistake: It is obvious that Carla shoots Cain in the head, but when Foley looks down at him, there is no bullet hole or blood on his head, but there is blood on his abdomen like he was shot there. (01:18:00 - 01:19:00)


Visible crew/equipment: During the jewelry store robbery, in the shot just before Karla announces, "1:45," one of the guys smashes the bat into a display case, and just as he walks away, behind him the reflection of one crew member is visible in the dark center of the mirror and another reflection of a second crew member, wearing blue, is visible at the mirror's edge. (00:01:45)

Super Grover

Visible crew/equipment: During the robbery at the jewelry store, just after Karla announces, "1:45," one of the guys smashes a display case. In the close-up, as the black bag moves to the left, the reflection of two crew members becomes visible on the glass display case. (00:01:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: When Axel, Rosewood, and Taggart pull up beside the racetrack near the end of the film, you see the front and back doors on the passenger side opening, with Axel exiting the front, and Taggart exiting the back passenger side. Next shot, we see the car from the driver side with Rosewood exiting the front driver side, but now Taggart is exiting the back driver side. (01:23:50)


Revealing mistake: At the end of the movie, the trio arrive at the oil fields, crouch behind the rear of a car and Axel picks up some red dirt, explaining that it's the same as what was on Bogomil's shoes, and the horse. It is obvious that the crew just spread a small area of red dirt around for the shot. The majority of the area is regular brown dirt.

Continuity mistake: When they are in the police station using the co-ordinates that were locked in the drawer of Charles Cain's office it comes up with 9762 Gregory Way for the city deposit but when they are driving to the city deposit Sergeant Taggart radios in that they need help at 341 Gregory Way.

Continuity mistake: When Karla uses the stopwatch during the Adriano's heist, her left arm is raised as she shouts, "Now!" and puts the stopwatch in her pocket, but a few shots later her left arm is still raised holding the stopwatch and she puts it in her pocket again. A few shots later, yet again, she is holding that stopwatch raised in her left hand and she shouts, "Time!" (00:02:15)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: In the scene at the police station with Lutz, the Mayor and others, the Mayor starts rolling down his sleeves as he prepares to put his jacket on and depart. But in the very next shot (only a second later based on continuous audio) his jacket is completely on as he is walking out. There was insufficient time for him to do this.

Character mistake: In the final scene of the film where Axel is leaving, and Taggart says "See you around." when Axel turns around to start driving he says "Be cool Rein..." He accidentally uses the surname of the actor, Judge Reinhold, who plays Billy Rosewood. However he cleverly tries to cover it up by trailing off his sentence as he knows he has made the mistake. (01:34:15)

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Suggested correction: He doesn't say "Rein", he says "be cool, man." But that was the end of his sentence, he wasn't trailing off.


Continuity mistake: When Axel, Rosewood, and Taggart are racing to get to the Emperian Fields racetrack the red police beacon once again falls off of the car on a hard left turn. The next shot the beacon is back on top of the car. (01:20:10)


Continuity mistake: When Dent's crew are outside the race track in their limo, Dent is tapping a cigarette and holding something silver. In the next shot his hands are empty.

Axel Foley: I ain't doing nothing in front of this dude, 'cause this dude is a cop! I know when I can smell a pig inside a room. I used to be a Muslim, man, and I know there's pork over here!

More quotes from Beverly Hills Cop II

Trivia: The cement truck that Billy drives has a sticker saying DS/JB Construction Company. DS and JB stand for the film's producers, Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer.

More trivia for Beverly Hills Cop II

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