Beverly Hills Cop II

Character mistake: In the final scene of the film where Axel is leaving, and Taggart says "See you around." when Axel turns around to start driving he says "Be cool Rein..." He accidentally uses the surname of the actor, Judge Reinhold, who plays Billy Rosewood. However he cleverly tries to cover it up by trailing off his sentence as he knows he has made the mistake. (01:34:15)

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Suggested correction: He doesn't say "Rein", he says "be cool, man." But that was the end of his sentence, he wasn't trailing off.


Beverly Hills Cop II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the beginning, before Karla's robbery of the jewelry store, when the limo turns the corner the front license plate reads "Dent". However, when the limo parks in front of Adriano's its front license plate reads "77". (00:00:25)

More mistakes in Beverly Hills Cop II

Axel Foley: I ain't doing nothing in front of this dude, 'cause this dude is a cop! I know when I can smell a pig inside a room. I used to be a Muslim, man, and I know there's pork over here!

More quotes from Beverly Hills Cop II

Trivia: The cement truck that Billy drives has a sticker saying DS/JB Construction Company. DS and JB stand for the film's producers, Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer.

More trivia for Beverly Hills Cop II

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