Beverly Hills Cop II
Beverly Hills Cop II mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When the trio are driving to the City Deposit/Federal Reserve Bank, in the shot just before hitting the white/red booth, the extended crane arm with the second camera and seated cameraman are visible behind the booth (for filming from opposite angle). (01:03:25)

Super Grover

Beverly Hills Cop II mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After spotting all the trucks at Dent's oil field, when Axel, Rosewood and Taggart sneak down the hill and duck behind a car, the reflection of the moving boom pole and mic are visible on the car's surface. (01:27:00)

Super Grover

Beverly Hills Cop II mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Axel is at the hospital and walks into Bogomil's room to say hi to Jan, the reflection of the moving overhead boom mic is visible on the glass surface behind him.

Super Grover

Visible crew/equipment: During the jewelry store robbery, in the shot just before Karla announces, "1:45," one of the guys smashes the bat into a display case, and just as he walks away, behind him the reflection of one crew member is visible in the dark center of the mirror and another reflection of a second crew member, wearing blue, is visible at the mirror's edge. (00:01:45)

Super Grover

Visible crew/equipment: During the robbery at the jewelry store, just after Karla announces, "1:45," one of the guys smashes a display case. In the close-up, as the black bag moves to the left, the reflection of two crew members becomes visible on the glass display case. (00:01:50)

Super Grover

Continuity mistake: The guy in the armored car's passenger seat disappears and reappears during the chase.

More mistakes in Beverly Hills Cop II

Axel Foley: Well, sir, you have 25 unpaid parking tickets and it's your car, so we have to take you in.
Sidney Bernstein: Wait a second, I've got an idea. Is there something that I have, in this office, that I could hand to you and that would, make you...kinda forget that you're holding those, uh, little pink tickets there?
Axel: What are you trying to say, sir?
Sidney: Like, you'd be holding something in that hand, and this hand you'd forget about. This hand you'd be concentrating on. That hand you'd go, what, what did I have there? I don't even remember.
Axel: What, you mean, like, if I had um... $200 in this hand?
Sidney: Ouch! Let go of my arm. $200? Ouch! Please, I'm robbing you. That's what I'm doing. Here's one, here's two. They're real crisp.


More quotes from Beverly Hills Cop II

Trivia: In the scene where Foley first visits Rosewood's apartment, he at some point pauses and looks at a poster of Sylvester Stallone from the movie "Cobra" (1986). Stallone was originally supposed to star in Beverly Hills Cop (the first one) as Axel Foley (or his name was going to be Axel "The Cobra" Cobretti). The script was changed for Eddie Murphy, removing a large amount of the action sequences from the movie. Many of those sequences were later used in "Cobra." The shot of Foley looking at the poster is a reference to this fact.

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