Superman mistake picture

Revealing mistake: When Jor-El is placing the baby Kal-El into the spacecraft, you can see his Rolex under his sleeve.

Revealing mistake: When Lois is at the heliport, watch the wind flag on the left: when the helicopter arrives, the roaring wind from the vanes makes the flag move up and get stiff. In the close-ups, you keep on hearing the sound but the vanes are off screen. Watch and you'll see the wind flag is down, thus revealing that the engine is off and that the sound we are hearing is fake.


Revealing mistake: In the shot of Krypton exploding, you can see creases in the black backdrop in the lower, left hand quadrant of the screen (especially visible on Blu-Ray).

Revealing mistake: In the final shot of the destruction of Krypton several of the people falling into the abyss disappear a split second before the shot of Krypton exploding.

Revealing mistake: Superman startles a cat burglar who falls from the side of a building. When Superman catches him he is facing upwards yet his cape does not fall back, it stays parallel to his body.

Revealing mistake: After saving Jimmy from falling to the dam, during the flying sequence a couple of wires are seen between them.


Revealing mistake: In the extended version, when Luthor fires snow at Superman, the icicles bounce, rather than shatter, revealing they are some type of foam or plastic balls.


Revealing mistake: When Otis first arrives in Luthor's lair beneath the train station, he knocks a table lamp over. When the lamp shade comes off the lamp, the bright, exposed light bulb then dims to a less-distracting level for filming purposes. Otis then replaces the shade upon the lamp, and the bulb then instantly goes back to its original level of brightness, so that it will look appropriately illuminated through the shade. The bulb's brightness was manipulated off-screen to conform with the needs of the bulb's effect on the scene.

Revealing mistake: When the helicopter gets jammed on the white railing at the ceiling, Lois is replaced by an obvious dummy that dangles back and forth with no control.


Revealing mistake: When the helicopter is hanging off the roof, a safety securing cable is attached to the fuselage to keep it in place.

Movie Nut

Revealing mistake: On the Golden Gate bridge, the beetle car that skidded a split second before appears totally empty when the van crashes against it.


Revealing mistake: After jumping in front of the train, Clark runs leaving a white trace behind. Watch the grass on the lower right and you'll see the scene is speeded up.


Revealing mistake: Look carefully at the train when Superman is using himself to hold up the track during the earthquake. It's obvious the wheels of the train are not even touching the track as they pass over him.


Revealing mistake: All the footage of the missiles being launched is of a poor quality and grainy, which is inconsistent with the good quality of the rest of the shots, revealing that it's stock footage.


Factual error: When Clark speaks to Jor-El for the first time in the Fortress, Jor-El says "I will have been dead for many thousands of your years..." Fine in theory - Baby Kal-El travelled to Earth at above light speed so time passed differently for him. However, as such, wouldn't Jor-El have seen Earth as it was thousands of years ago? Which also makes there a problem with all the things Kal-El was taught during his voyage to Earth, as Jor-El references Einstein by name, for instance, and he would not have existed at the point when Jor-El sent him to Earth.

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Lex Luthor: We all have our little faults. Mine's in California.

More quotes from Superman

Trivia: Jeff East, who plays teenage Clark Kent, was dubbed over with Christopher Reeves' voice. The only time Jeff's actual voice is heard is when he shouts in excitement after jumping past the speeding train.

More trivia for Superman

Question: One thing I don't understand about the movie is why kryptonite is so harmful (almost making him drown in a pool), yet he was born there and he didn't die. Kryptonite did come from his home planet, Krypton, right? How come he didn't die when he was born?

Answer: When Krypton exploded, the resulting debris was chemically altered through nuclear fusion, converting it into kryptonite. Bits traveled through space, some eventually ending up on Earth, where it is now lethal to anyone who was from that planet.


Pieces of Krypton that exploded in the Red Sun were made radioactive, and the Red Sun is one of the weaknesses of the Kryptonians.

I thought the Red Sun was poisonous to Kryptonians and caused the remnants of the planet Krypton to become radioactive and also absorb some of the solar energy from the Red Sun. I was under that impression, maybe I'm mistaken.

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