Best action movie mistakes of 1989

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An Innocent Man picture

Factual error: At the end of the film Rainwood has established his innocence of the drug charges and is happily back at work as a senior mechanic for a large airline. However, part of the sentencing and plea bargain protocols at his arraignment is his previous conviction on a lesser drug charge years before. It goes without saying that he did not advise his employers of this when he started work for them - no airline in the world (even pre 9/11) would hire someone with a drug conviction on their record! Now this is out in the open the airline knows that Rainwood is a convicted drug user (on the lesser, legitimate charge) and that he lied on his original job application. They wouldn't hire him again to sweep the floors.

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Suggested correction: Even today in 2023 felony convictions might not show up on a background check. Not all information has been uploaded to the internet yet. It was extremely easy in the 1980's for a conviction to be missed by a background check especially if there was no prison time served or it occurred in a rural county or town.

He just got out of prison and establishing his innocence involved the violent deaths of at least two people. Do you not think that his employers just might have followed his story? He'd be all over the news media. The idea that not one person would have followed up on his criminal history is beyond absurd - we are talking about a safety critical job that involves the safety of hundreds of people.

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Star Trek V: The Final Frontier picture

Other mistake: Spock lifts his crew mates with the rocket boots. He passes deck numbers 35 through 78 from bottom to top. First off, deck numbers go from top to bottom. The bridge is on deck 1. Second, the Enterprise of that class only had 23 decks.

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Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade picture Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Indy and Henry have escaped from Castle Brunwald, Indy jumps into one of the boats, pulls the motor starter cord and jumps back out, then just as he bends over to release the boat from the piling, right between Indy's legs the black covered arm of a hidden crewmember appears from under the tarp taking hold of the throttle, steering the boat away from the pier. (01:02:40)

Super Grover

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Lethal Weapon 2 picture

Audio problem: In the scene where Leo explains how he launders the drug money and Roger says "You're a cheat", Leo says "Come on, everyone cheats a little, look at the pentagon." But when he says "look at the pentagon", it's dubbed in because the sound of his voice doesn't match his other dialogue, and if you read his lips it doesn't match either.


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Batman picture Batman mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When the Joker's henchmen are trashing the museum, one guy puts red handprints all over a portrait, later the Joker walks by the same portrait and the handprints are gone. (00:59:55)

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Back to the Future Part II picture Back to the Future Part II mistake picture

Continuity mistake: Notice Marty's hair in the scene when he's playing "Johnny B. Goode." It's quite larger than when he says, some seconds later, "I guess that you're not ready for it yet." That's because when he says that, it's a recycled shot from the original BTTF, whereas most shots showing he's playing the guitar are newly made for BTTF2. However, Marty's hair is considerably longer in the new shots. (01:27:19)

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The Abyss picture

Continuity mistake: Early in the film Bud throws his wedding ring down the latrine and then retrieves it with his right hand so it is covered with the blue disinfectant. In a (much) later scene, Bud has a blue right hand, despite not having had one in the intervening period. (01:44:48)

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Blue Steel picture

Factual error: After the first victim they claim to have found a shell with 'Megan Turner' on it. That's not possible as we see Ron Silver fire at the victim and immediatley run away. If it had been an automatic then the gun would eject the shell, but it's a revolver, which doesn't eject shells.

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The Karate Kid III picture

Other mistake: When Miyagi throws Mike into the light switches, the lights go out but the switches never change position.

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Licence to Kill picture

Factual error: When the air hose on the truck is severed, the brakes release. In reality, on an air-braking system, if the air hose is severed, the brakes lock on as a safety measure.


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The Package picture

Other mistake: Sergeant Johnny Gallagher (Gene Hackman) and Lieutenant Milon Delich (Dennis Franz) are in a supposedly deserted building searching for a group of conspirators who plan to assassinate both the USA and USSR presidents. Delich finds a police colleague of his in the building, and Delich kills his colleague. When he fires his revolver, the sound of the blanks can be heard, slightly out of synch with the gun blasts on the sound track.

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Tango & Cash picture

Other mistake: When Stallone stops the bad guys in the semi full of cocaine, they fly through a windshield that is apparently made of plate glass, and not the safety glass found on almost every other vehicle windshield on earth.

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Dead Bang picture

Continuity mistake: When Beck meets Webly on Christmas Day, Webly takes his glasses off and throws them on the desk, but in the next shot (from behind) he is still wearing them. (00:16:50)

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K-9 (1989)

K-9 picture K-9 mistake picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Belushi and Jerry Lee (the dog) enter the warehouse, Belushi askes everyone to stop what they are doing and even has the forklift driver lift him up so he can talk to them. Once he is done talking, he tells the lift driver to bring him down. The next few shots where they show Belushi walking to his car, if you look closely, you will see that the fork lift is back up in the air, but there were no sounds and there isn't another lift to be found. (00:25:05)

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The Burbs picture

Other mistake: When Tom Hanks is walking down the stairs a chainsaw comes through the wall. If you look at the wall a second earlier you can see a line where the chainsaw is supposed to come through.

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See No Evil, Hear No Evil picture

Continuity mistake: Towards the end of the movie Dave takes Walley's jacket and uses it to help them slide down a cable. Before they slid down, Dave tells Walley to hold on, and Walley asks if they're going to be above the ground. Dave tells him no, and off they go. However, Dave is deaf, and reads lips, and Walley is standing behind him when he asks the question. So how did Dave read his lips if he wasn't looking at him?

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Henry V picture

Revealing mistake: In the scene after the battle of Agincort, where Henry and his retainers are walking meditatively among the heaps of the fallen, if you look carefully, you will see one of the fallen with his head raised watching the procession. He then realizes that he is on camera and puts his head back down. It's near the edge of the screen so may occasionally be cropped.

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Road House picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where they are discussing why Dalton fired Mr Wesley's nephew (upstairs in the Double Deuce). Mr Wesley's nephew threatens Dalton with a knife and when Dalton takes a swing at him, there is blood on Mr Wesley's nephew's face way before contact. (00:34:05 - 00:38:00)

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The Punisher picture

Factual error: After the scene where Frank Castle steals the bus to rescue the children, the mobsters are firing at the bus. Not one bullet pierces a hole in the bus. Who knew Public Transit was bullet proof?

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Ghostbusters 2 picture

Continuity mistake: When Vigo throws the streams from the proton packs back onto the Ghostbusters, there is a wide shot of Egon getting thrown way over to the right. However, when they do a closer shot, he is way over to the left, closer to the other three Ghostbusters. (01:33:50)

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