Corrected entry: During the final chase scene, the tanker that Max is driving has its driver's door pulled off. As the camera pans to the side you can clearly see the crew member - most likely the stunt co-ordinator - crouched down by the passenger seat.

Corrected entry: The security guard is sent to find the reason the phones do not work in the hospital. A couple of scenes later, you see a nurse chatting on a hospital phone.
Correction: This is not really true, as the only time this occurs in the order of which you speak is during the "made-for-television" Halloween II, which is the actual Halloween II, but many scenes and events are out of sequence, others are fused together (which never were in in the original theatre format) to make the film shorter, and certain scenes (such as the telephone scene you speak of) only appear on the made-for-television Halloween II.

Corrected entry: When the two Americans are walking on the moors, their shadows are always in front of them, despite them having changed direction numerous times. Additionally, with the moon always being behind them, how are their faces being lit?
Correction: Their changing direction is irrelevant. They would have to change orientation relative to the light source, which is 250,000 miles away. Difficult to do. Their faces are lit because moonlight is very diffuse and reflects off many surfaces, including the atmosphere itself. Next time there is a full moon, go outside and see.

Corrected entry: When Indy - in the opening scene - is running across the open field, dust is rising from him. And in the next cut - more dust. But when he started running there wasn't any.
Correction: There is a gap between him running in the forest, then running in the field that is not on film; more than enough time for him to take a tumble in the dirt.

Corrected entry: When Jason slits the neck of the guy hanging upside down from the tree, there is no blood dripping off the guy when his girlfriend arrives. How is this possible? She stumbled upon his body only about a minute after he was killed. There would be plenty of blood pouring down. (00:49:05)
Correction: First of all it is longer than a minute. Second of all, the camera angle was too far away and it was too dark to determine whether there was blood or not.

Corrected entry: When the Cuban hitman is shot with the crossbow, the arrow hits his back at the wrong angle. It should have been in his side instead of his back.
Correction: We are never shown where Melina is shooting from; the submitter is assuming that she is shooting from Gonzales' side. If Melina was shooting from a foward angle and the arrow hit Gonzales as his body was entering the water head-first (as depicted in the film), the arrow would have struck him in the back.

Corrected entry: When Johann the engineer cracks during a depth charge barrage, the skipper hurriedly retrieves his pistol. After Johann is subdued, the weary skipper lays the weapon down unfired. It is a Walther P.38, but a postwar model, as revealed by the grips and alloy frame. Also, a lieutenant commander would probably have had a Walther PPK or Navy Mauser.
Correction: The fact this alleged P-38 has P-1 (Post War grips) Does not mean a thing. You cannot see if it has an alloy frame and pre WW2 Allloy frames did exist and were called P-38's. The pre ww2 Walther P-38's were called HP's and they had these POST war grips (p-1 grips) check your sources!, These were the original P-38 grips, who is to say were this captain aquired the gun? U-boat commanders could have carried Colt 45's.

Corrected entry: Why do the display screens for the computer in the Japanese team's car display their messages in English? Throughout the entire movie, the Japanese drivers cannot speak English!
Correction: I can read Russian, but can't speak it. Much of the time it is easier to read a language than speak it.

Corrected entry: The scenes of various helicopters flying around are very very fake looking. In one scene, toward the beginning, the main rotor blade isn't rotating fast enough to obtain flight. (00:06:00)
Correction: While this may be true as FX in the film goes, it can be explained. You know when you see helicopter rotors in a movie, get to a certain speed, then seem to slow, stop and reverse? It's due to the way our eyes 'see' motion in a limited-motion environment (24 or 30 frames of still images per second, fools our brains into seeing movement). Slow rotor blades could be a skewed perception of their real speed.

Corrected entry: In the closing scene Harold Abrahams is seen arriving at a train station from the Dover Ferry. This should have been London Waterloo, but the station depicted is London Paddington.
Correction: The station is never named. Just because it can be identified as being Paddington in reality doesn't mean it is supposed to be Paddington in the film. Another example of this is that 'Cambridge University' in this film is obviously Eton, as it was the only place they were allowed to film. Not a movie mistake, just a choice of location.

Corrected entry: Copper is chasing a white rabbit and turns into a puppy, then back into a dog, for a brief moment. This was on the DVD.
Correction: There are no continuity issues with Copper within this scene. We are shown three different scenes of Amos Slade's winter trip for the hunting season. In the first scene, early in the trip we see Copper is still a small puppy when Chief rescues him from the snow, and in the third scene Copper is a large fully-grown adolescent who is a trained hunting dog. It's during the second hunting trip scene that Copper chases the white rabbit, and at this point Copper still has puppyish behavior as he's growing into an adolescent.

Corrected entry: When Gen. Besh is seen preparing for the Ball, he is shown holstering his pistol. (A Presentation model .45) The hammer of the pistol is visible and uncocked. Later in the fight scene when the kid jumps on the General's back and pulls the pistol he is able to fire it without cocking the pistol. Pistols of this type are single action on the first shot, in order to fire you must 1. Chamber a round or 2. Pull the hammer back with your thumb. The boys' hands are visible from the time he draws till he fires and he does neither.
Correction: It was not a 1911A1. It was hammerless, possibly a 1903 Colt. If you listen you can hear some sort of clicking sound just before the shot.

Corrected entry: During the Inquisition song, right before Mel Brooks says "Skit skat Vodely dat Boopadyday" or something like that, the shadow of a pole is visible on the steps to the right.
Correction: You do see a shadow, but it could be anything from the dungeon. it could be from the railing, one of the chains seen hanging about, or one of the torture devices.

Corrected entry: When Kevin and the dwarves are on the Titanic, the camera shows a close-up shot of a lifesaver hanging on the ship's deck. The lifesaver reads "S.S. Titanic". Being a British ship, the lifesavers on the Titanic should actually be labeled "R.M.S. Titanic".
Correction: All of Titanic's lifeboats were labelled "S.S. Titanic". At the Merseyside Maritime Museum you can see a lifeboat name plate that confirms this. http://www.liverpoolmuseums.org.uk/maritime/collections/liners/titanic/nameplate.aspx If the lifeboats were labelled "S.S.", it's only likely that the life preservers read the same. The reason for this is that the Titanic was both an S.S. (Steam Ship) and occasionally an RMS (Royal Mail Ship). She would only have the second designation when carrying British mail, which would not necessarily be true for every voyage she ever made. Labelling the boats and preservers with the "S.S." monicker would be accurate no matter what the purpose for her trip was.

Corrected entry: If Lady Holiday and Nicky are supposed to be brother and sister, then why does she have an English accent and he doesn't?
Correction: Is it not possible that Lady Holiday has lived in England for some time and Nicky hasn't, therefore maybe Lady Holiday has picked up the accent while she's been there? Many people may come from their homeland, go live somewhere else for several months or years at a time and then pick up the land's accent. I myself have come from Australia with a rough accent and now having lived in Singapore, have changed my accent to something somewhat more proper.

Corrected entry: During car chase in Northern Illinois they are passing by palm and cypress trees, which are not indigenous to Illinois.
Correction: This must be from the wrong film. Death Hunt is set entirely in the frozen Yukon in 1931 and features no car chases.

Corrected entry: All of the cavemen have clean shiny white teeth. It is hard to imagine that our cave-dwelling ancestors of 80,000 years ago had such impeccable dental hygiene, when they couldn't even build a fire yet.
Correction: Quite possible since they didn't use sugar. As a matter of fact skeletons of the "before sugar" era have healthy teeth.

Corrected entry: When Ammon examines Perseus' new sword, he comments that it is neither bronze nor iron. Iron was not known to the Greeks until the Dorian invasion, which occurred at about 1150 BC - long after the period in which Perseus was supposed to have lived.
Correction: Iron weapons and iron tools were not commonly used until c. 1130 BC, but iron itself was hardly unknown. It was simply more difficult and expensive to obtain iron by refining iron ore than it was to mine workable tin and copper directly from the ground. For many years (4000 to 6000 years ago) iron was more valuable than gold because of the difficulty and expense of the refining process. Iron was widely known but rarely used.

Corrected entry: When the man at the beginning of the movie is shot, the bad guy attaches a silencer onto the gun, but you can hear a very loud bang when the trigger is pulled.
Correction: It just depends what version you watch. In the UK Vipco version its a loud bang and most of the sound effects are bad. In the Ultrabit edition the SFX are state of the art and a loud silenced bang is heard. It's all down to quality of the version.

Corrected entry: When Norman and Ethel are purchasing fuel for their boat, the total price on the fuel pump reads $19.00. As the boys watch Norman and Ethel leaving the dock the total price on the pump now reads $1.32. (Point of interest: as gasoline prices were increasing rapidly in the U.S. in the 1980's some of the older mechanical fuel pumps had a limit on the price per gallon so it was not uncommon for them to be set at half price and the totals had to be doubled ($38 instead of $19) until the pumps could be re-fitted). (00:13:00 - 00:14:25)
Correction: The price you see as the boys watch them leave is on the opposite side of the pump of Norman's $19 price. Not a movie mistake.
Correction: When the door is torn off, the camera pans to the left so that the semi leaves the shot at right. At no point during the shot is any portion of any person other than Max visible in the semi's cab, even when checking frame-by-frame.