Best romance movie mistakes of all time

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Superman picture

Factual error: When Clark speaks to Jor-El for the first time in the Fortress, Jor-El says "I will have been dead for many thousands of your years..." Fine in theory - Baby Kal-El travelled to Earth at above light speed so time passed differently for him. However, as such, wouldn't Jor-El have seen Earth as it was thousands of years ago? Which also makes there a problem with all the things Kal-El was taught during his voyage to Earth, as Jor-El references Einstein by name, for instance, and he would not have existed at the point when Jor-El sent him to Earth.

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Clueless picture

Visible crew/equipment: After Josh tells Cher she's such a brat, at the start of the next shot which is the first close-up of Cher during the driver's test, just as she says, "I had an overwhelming sense of ickiness, even though I apologized to Lucy," the top of a crewmember's head, with his short wavy hair blowing in the wind, is reflected at the bottom of the Jeep's windshield, directly in front of Cher and the steering wheel. (01:11:55)

Super Grover

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About a Boy picture

Continuity mistake: During the Xmas day scene, Markus receives a Sony portable CD player as a gift from Will. However, before the gift's unwrapped, the Sony box is visible on the table. (00:51:45)

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The Truth About Cats And Dogs picture The Truth About Cats And Dogs mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Uma Thurman visits the radio station for the first time, she asks Janeane Garofalo if she can sit down by the microphone. As she's standing in front of the desk she's wearing a cardigan with a handbag over her shoulder. When she turns round to say "you promise not to laugh?", the cardigan and bag have disappeared. (00:16:10)

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More Frozen mistakes
Coyote Ugly picture

Continuity mistake: When the real 'manager' comes outside to yell at "Mr. O'Donnell', you see the manager walk back into the club. If you look in the background of the next shot, you can see the manager walking through the door again. (00:13:25)

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White Christmas picture

Continuity mistake: The train that transports The Haynes Sisters and Wallace and Davis from Florida to Vermont is shown as being of the Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railway in one sequence, and of the Southern Pacific Railroad in another. Neither railway ran on the east coast of the U.S.

Jimmy Short

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Titanic picture

Factual error: At the end of the movie, the Straus' are seen lying in each other's arms on their bed with water coming into the cabin under the closed door as the ship is sinking. This is not true, their cabin was on C deck, but his body was found in the following days of the sinking. For his body to get into the open water it would have had to float through a closed door, and up several flights of stairs. Historically, they refused to leave the ship, and were last seen sitting in deck chairs. They were there when the ship sank on the boat deck. Her body was never recovered.

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Bambi picture

Other mistake: After the great fire scene there is a raccoon that drags her baby to shore and begins cleaning it. A few seconds later the baby has jumped across to the other side of his father and siblings, but the mother does not stop licking. This error has since been fixed in newer releases.

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Heartbreakers picture

Continuity mistake: In the scene where Page (Jennifer Love Hewitt) follows Jack onto the beach, and she falls over into the mud while clambering through the bushes, Jack finds her on the floor in the mud and helps her up. When she stands in front of him, she's clean, with no mud in sight.

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Aladdin picture Aladdin mistake picture Video

Continuity mistake: The tiger bites the seat off the suitor's trousers, allowing the viewer to see his polka-heart boxers. When we see the tiger in the courtyard, he has a part of the same boxer shorts in his mouth. So if he bit off the seat of the trousers, shouldn't he have purple cloth in his mouth? (00:11:45)

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About Last Night... picture

Continuity mistake: When Danny & Debbie are having their New Year's dinner at home, the champagne foam instantly disappears in the very next camera angle after pouring it.

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Meet the Parents picture

Audio problem: When Focker is going back to Chicago the woman who is typing stops moving her hands for a little while the clicking noise is still going.

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Armageddon picture

Factual error: The idea of two spacecraft blasting off together so close to each other at the same time is a joke. One would put the other at great risk. Not only is there massive fire and heat, but the vibrations from the noise of the exhaust do great damage to the surroundings. And there is great inconsistency about just how close the two spacecraft really are. The first still shot taken in the dark has them at different towers about 150 yards apart. But, then all the men take an elevator up ONE tower and are split apart into the two groups at the top of the tower. Furthermore, the launch takes place at Kennedy Space Center Launch Complex 39: the fixed and rotating service structures built for the Space Shuttle are visible. The pads at LC 39 are 8,700 feet apart (just over 1.5 miles). (01:00:00)

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The Little Mermaid picture The Little Mermaid mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Carlotta brings the plates for the meal they all have a dome cover with a top handle, but when Sebastian runs across the table those handles have changed. (00:54:50)

Super Grover

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10 Things I Hate About You picture

Other mistake: In the scene where the kids are shooting arrows and the coach gets hit by one, they send a girl to call 911. If you look closely and follow her in the background, after she runs a few yards, she slows down and eventually stops and stands there playing with her hair. Talk about help... (00:57:05)

More 10 Things I Hate About You mistakes
The Space Between Us picture

Factual error: In the scenes where Gardner is messaging his Earth based female friend Tulsa from his Mars home, their communication is shown as being in real time. In truth, there would be minimum of a 4 min lag between messages due to the distance. (00:24:00)


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Suggested correction: The tech is supposed to be highly advanced. This is at least kept consistent throughout the film as all communication between planets is in real time.


There is no tech that can alter the laws of physics that we know of. The near future setting of the film limits the scope of what's feasible.


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Fifty Shades of Grey picture

Continuity mistake: The morning after Christian brought a drunk Ana back to his hotel room, she is sitting in bed eating some breakfast. The piece of toast she is holding keeps changing shape, having one bite taken out of it, then two, then one again in a different pattern.


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The Naked Gun picture

Factual error: When Frank knocks out the Umpire and begins to change into his clothes, the umpire is wearing white underwear. All umpires wear black in case the seat of their pants rip so the game can continue.

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Top Gun picture

Visible crew/equipment: When Charlie walks down to the front of the class in the hanger, Jester is the only one at the front. Look at the reflection of Maverick's glasses, and the reflection shows lots of people standing in front of him, likely film crew. (00:26:20)

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