The Naked Gun

Factual error: When Frank knocks out the Umpire and begins to change into his clothes, the umpire is wearing white underwear. All umpires wear black in case the seat of their pants rip so the game can continue.

The Naked Gun mistake picture

Continuity mistake: When Frank is fishing the pen out of the fish tank and the fish gets attached to his nose, there is visible blood. When the camera cuts back to Frank, the blood is gone. (00:20:35)

Factual error: At the onset of the baseball game, take a look at the Angel's catcher as Mariner Jay Johnstone steps up to bat. You will see he is wearing just a standard baseball hat under his catcher's helmet. MLB rules requires some form of certified (protective inside and out) plastic helmet for catchers, and thus this would not be allowed. (01:07:35)

The Naked Gun mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: At the end of the film when the guy in the wheelchair is rolling down the stairs you can see a burst of gas (presumably from a CO2 cylinder) fire the man up. (01:18:20)

The Naked Gun mistake picture

Visible crew/equipment: In the opening sequence, the camera's shadow on which the car roof and siren are mounted is visible as it enters the house. (00:04:00)

Continuity mistake: As Frank and Jane head back to her apartment, a woman passes them by with her dog. When the camera cuts to Frank several times in the scene, you'll notice that the woman and the dog are in several different places and end up turning the corner twice. (00:42:25)

Plot hole: Frank is given 24 hours to clear Nordburg. This is never referenced again, even after 24 hours have passed. (00:28:25 - 00:31:05)

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Continuity mistake: When cutting into the cake with the queen's portrait on it, the waiter slices across the inner corner of the queen's right eye. However, the two pieces of cake served to Jane and Frank both have complete and uncut eyes. (00:54:25 - 00:54:55)

Continuity mistake: When Frank has his speech and says "No matter how silly the idea of having a queen..." you see the mayor turning her head to the right. When it cuts she is looking to her left with a rather shocked face. (00:13:55)


Other mistake: Pay attention to one of the early innings of the baseball game as one of the Angels' players hits a home run. Though probably intentionally set up this way as to avoid any problems of "logo patents" and such with the real-life MLB California Angels team, he is wearing a helmet without the team logo on it. Also, it is at Dodger Stadium. (01:07:35)

Audio problem: Right at the scene where Reggie Jackson points the gun at the Queen, Drebin fires a shot off at him from his watch. It goes astray, hitting some fat lady, and we hear him saying "whoops!" but his lips don't move. (01:16:10)

Continuity mistake: When Nordberg stumbles out the door on the ship and about to fall over the rail you see him going out the cabin crouching with his head first. When it cuts to a wider shot from outside you see him walking calmly against the rail before falling over. (00:07:00)


Other mistake: While Frank Drebbin is saying the words "dew glistening on the grass" you can clearly see a woman in the audience at the bottom of the screen repeating every word he says. (01:19:55)

Continuity mistake: When Jane is sucking on Frank's finger, you see Jane holding his finger. When it cuts, she isn't holding his finger. (00:36:40)


Continuity mistake: In the beginning of the movie when the guy with the long beard starts to talk you see Frank standing disguised by the table. When it cuts Frank is moving towards the table. (00:01:25)


Ed: Frank, they're not here for you. Weird Al Yankovic is on the plane.

More quotes from The Naked Gun

Trivia: There is a trailer to this movie with an additional gag. After Ludwig has demonstrated his image of an ideal assassin to Papshmir, he sits down with the revolver used in the demonstration which had turned out to be empty. In the trailer shot (in a closeup of Montalban) the gun unexpectantly goes off.

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