Blue Bloods
Blue Bloods mistake picture

Close to Home - S13-E15

Continuity mistake: While Danny and Waylon Gates are with Rodriguez at the safe house, showing him the photograph of his daughters, during this scene there is no picture hanging on the wall beside the door, but as they lead Rodriguez out in the last shot of the scene, a picture suddenly appears on that wall. (00:37:30 - 00:39:20)

Super Grover

Blue Bloods mistake picture

Close to Home - S13-E15

Visible crew/equipment: At the safe house, while Danny and Waylon are alone with Rodriguez they "convince" him to call off his men, and in the last shot of this scene as they head out the door, the reflection of a crew member (presumably the camera operator) becomes visible on the picture hanging beside the door. (00:39:20)

Super Grover

Nothing Sacred - S13-E9

Character mistake: Eddie is confronted by Captain McNichols after being caught in her office. Eddie responds by calling her Sarge, which is an incorrect title remark referring to a Captain. (00:38:46)


Blue Bloods mistake picture

Parenthood - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: In his office with Garrett, Frank reaches for his cup of coffee twice, and moves his foil-wrapped breakfast sandwich from the top of a stack of blue folders to the top of a newspaper. However, in the next shot, the egg sandwich is back on top of the stack of blue folders. (00:06:15)


Silver Linings - S12-E20

Character mistake: After the explosion, Danny calls for a medic. At the hospital Baez ask Danny if the reason he called for a medic instead of a bus was it because it reminded you of something that happened. Danny was a Marine, so if he was having a flashback he would have called for a corpsman instead of a medic. Medics are in the Army, not the Marine Corps. (00:06:50 - 00:54:22)


Milestones - S9-E12

Other mistake: First we see Jamie in a Ford CVPI with license plates 7554 like a couple of times before in the show, a minute after he's seen exiting a 2015 Ford Taurus with plates 82399. He answers a 10-85 while supposedly driving in the CVPI but somehow he manages to change in less than a minute to a Taurus. We see the exterior of the car, but the car's interior corresponding to the Taurus is seen a few seconds earlier. (00:03:35 - 00:04:20)

Confessions - S7-E9

Continuity mistake: We can see Jamie driving a Ford CVPI with plates reading 7554, however when he appears in the following shot in the court, where he was going to in the previous scene, he's driving a Chevy Impala with plates 61795. I am not sure, but I think this error happened in the previous seasons as well. (00:09:08 - 00:09:48)

Dedication - S1-E15

Revealing mistake: Frank gives Walter a new cigar. However, in the closeup when Walter puts the cigar in his mouth The End of the cigar is burnt and shows that it was once lit and put out. (00:01:35)


Fog of War - S10-E14

Factual error: During the funeral towards The End of the episode, both Jamie and Eddie are wearing white shirts with their dress uniforms. In the NYPD, only Lieutenant and above wear white shirts, like the show has portrayed. The color doesn't change for the dress uniform. (00:38:35 - 00:41:14)

Atonement - S11-E3

Continuity mistake: Toward The End of the episode when the older mobster is walking from his car down a narrow alleyway toward home, he passes under a low hanging outdoor light fixture. When he is accosted by the other mobster with a gun they are standing with the light fixture between them. There is no movement, but when the police arrive, the light fixture is well behind the guy with the gun.


Blue Bloods mistake picture

Second Chances - S8-E11

Continuity mistake: While Danny and Baez are questioning Damian about Mason's whereabouts, Damian's right handcuff switches to the opposite way depending on the angle of the shots. Either the single metal bar faces up or the double bar faces up, which is quite impossible to change when it's locked around his wrist.

Super Grover

Friends in Need - S6-E17

Visible crew/equipment: When Eddie comments that the Rough Tough Cream Puff made a collar, she and Jamie walk up the hallway, and before Eddie reaches the doorway we can see the red tape mark on the floor as we hear Marcus brag, "mad fast." (00:15:55)

Super Grover

Help Me, Help You - S6-E16

Visible crew/equipment: After Frank tells Garrett to set up the meeting with Thomas and agrees to play nice, when it cuts to Erin as she walks toward Zach and the AG, the T-mark and white tape mark are visible on the floor in front of the two men. (00:01:50)

Super Grover

Fresh Start - S6-E15

Continuity mistake: When Erin is in the ladies' room walking toward the door, she finds Anthony "lurking" in the hall, and Erin's eyeglasses which are hanging from her crew-neck top go from facing her right side, to her left side, then back to her right side, between shots. (00:31:55)

Super Grover

Mob Rules - S7-E4

Continuity mistake: Franks makes a comment that there have only been 18 deaths last year in New York, but Danny on his own closed more than 30 in the season before.

Lost and Found - S4-E5

Other mistake: Danny says "14 years ago today I kissed Linda" but in previous episodes they were celebrating their 16th anniversary.

Blackout - S9-E4

Frank Reagan: And I don't have a Teflon suit. Everything gets to me. Every time one of ours is hurt, or jammed up, or he's in over his head, it gets to me. I just don't show it, 'cause I can't show it, 'cause nobody wants, or needs, a sensitive police commissioner.
Sid Gormley: OK.
Frank Reagan: So screw you!
Sid Gormley: Yes, sir. That an order, too?
Frank Reagan: Yeah, that's an order.
Sid Gormley: Screw me. I'm on it, boss.

Super Grover

More quotes from Blue Bloods

Mercy - S2-E1

Trivia: In episode 2x1 "Mercy" the last scene was filmed at Brooklyn's Valentino Pier (it's also known as Coffey Street Pier) in Red Hook. It had been renamed for a Brooklyn firefighter who heroically died in the line of duty, and the area's full name is Louis Valentino Jr Park and Pier. It's an appreciated green area in the middle of a lot of buildings. Bit of trivia to add, Valentino Pier is featured in a short video with Rosie Perez.

Super Grover

More trivia for Blue Bloods

Answer: It is the lapel pin worn by members of the NYPD Honor Legion.

The lapel pin is on Danny but not Biaz, why? Also, Baker, Sid, Frank &Garrett wear one. Significance? Are they all the same?

Is the P.C.'s pin different than a legion pin? What are the symbols and their meaning?

But why would the mayor wear one?

More questions & answers from Blue Bloods

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