
Dexter (2006)

108 mistakes

(15 votes)

Dirty Harry - S4-E5

Continuity mistake: When Dexter listens to Officer Lundy's tape recording, we hear Lundy say that the Trinity killer's weight is 190 to 200 pounds. When we saw him recording that, he said 200 to 220 pounds.

Do You Take Dexter Morgan? - S3-E12

Other mistake: The marriage certificate for Rita's first marriage shows her date of birth as 04-19-1989 and Dexter states she married at 16. The marriage date is 08-16-1989, when she would have been 4 months old. She also would only be 17 at the start of the series (2006) if she was born in 1989. (00:13:45)

If I Had a Hammer - S4-E6

Factual error: In the newspaper article from the Trinity killers past - the report states that someone called 911 and dispatch gave them instructions. The death occurred in 1959. The first 911 call was made in 1968. (00:39:24)

Let's Give the Boy a Hand - S1-E4

Factual error: When Dexter and Doakes are looking at the severed foot wearing a soccer cleat, Dexter states, "The foot was severed between the tarsus and the metatarsus." However, the foot was severed proximal to the tarsus, through the tibia and fibula. The cut was easily too high to be between the tarsus and metatarsus. (00:16:45)


Argentina - S7-E8

Factual error: When Dexter and Hannah are making breakfast, there's a calendar on the fridge from 1996. It shows January 1st as falling on a Thursday. Jan 1, 1996 was a Monday.


Shrink Wrap - S1-E8

Factual error: In the police report Dexter examines, Emmett Meridian's name is followed by PhD, and yet he is referred to as a psychiatrist and prescribes medication. A psychiatrist would have an MD after his name, and a psychologist (PhD) cannot legally prescribe meds.


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Suggested correction: It is possible for someone to be both a medical practitioner and have a PhD.

Someone with both a Doctor of Medicine and a Doctor of Philosophy would have both MD and PhD after their name. Not having an MD after your name means you can't prescribe medicine.


Yes, but in that case, both MD and PhD are listed after their name. Why would the report eliminate the MD, which is the more prestigious of the two degrees and certainly would have been noted during the investigation?


Monkey in a Box - S8-E11

Continuity mistake: In Season 3, Episode 2 during a conversation with Miguel's wife Sylvia, (Syl), and Rita in a kitchen, Syl says that they don't have any children after trying. In this episode, Syl is trying to help Dexter sell his condo and says that she downsized and focused more on "the kids."

Brian Galassini

Father Knows Best - S1-E9

Factual error: When Dexter is in the hospital as a child, the doctor says that Dexter has a very rare blood type, AB negative. Although it's very rare, the people with AB- can receive donor blood with A-, B-, AB- and 0-. AB- is a very good blood-type when you need to receive blood. While it is true that hospitals normally have to use AB- because of the complexity of other proteins (and to prevent adverse reactions), in case of an emergency, like Dexter's, and a shortage, a hospital will use a blood type close enough to not likely cause a reaction. In this situation, the hospital would give Dexter O-, B-, or A- instead as blood loss would normally kill a patient long before a suitable donor could be located, called in, admitted to the hospital, and have the transfusion set up. (00:31:00 - 00:32:00)


Father Knows Best - S1-E9

Continuity mistake: Dexter goes to the morgue to see the body of his father. When he first sees the body, he bends down, and the clock behind him reads 4:11. A moment later when he stands back up the clock is at 4:17. A couple of minutes later the clock is at 4:01.

Let's Give the Boy a Hand - S1-E4

Continuity mistake: When Doakes is about to be killed by Guerrero, the police save him by shooting Guerrero, giving him a bullet wound on his right shoulder. He is also cuffed on the ground to be arrested. However, when he is pulled up, Guerrero does not have a bullet wound anymore.


Teenage Wasteland - S5-E9

Factual error: When Dexter is punching Olivia's father in his left side, he says "That's your liver." Only the liver is on the right side. For a serial killer who routinely dismembers bodies, Dexter should know which side the liver is on. (00:42:50)


Helter Skelter - S7-E9

Factual error: In The Beginning while Dexter is on his boat in Miami, you suddenly see mountains in the background, of which there are none in Miami. Also the palms are too high, indicating they are from California. And the worst setting mistake is the Florida tags in front of the cars. Only commercial vehicles have front tags.

Shrink Wrap - S1-E8

Factual error: Dr. Meridian's victims are suicidal following withdrawal of an antidepressant, begging for more, and Dexter refers to the doctor getting his patients addicted to antidepressants. This reflects a disappointing and fundamental misunderstanding of the science of antidepressants. Even those that have "discontinuation syndromes" do not produce mood swings this wild. It is possible (though unlikely) that a random individual would have this reaction to discontinuation of an antidepressant, but Dr. Meridian would need to be in control of his victims' descent, to be sure they would become suicidal so that he could suggest the use of a gun and be sure their suicides would be successful. There are no mainstream antidepressants that would produce this effect upon withdrawal.


Circle of Friends - S1-E7

Audio problem: When Deb tells Angel to "look up" warning him of the security camera, Angel moves his lips as though he's talking but there is no audible dialogue. A few seconds later, his lips stop moving but then his audible lines are spoken. Then, again, there is no dialogue, but his lips move again. (00:07:15)


Return to Sender - S1-E6

Factual error: When Dexter is reading the list of drugs found in the autopsy of the murder victim, one listed is "Cialopram." This is a misspelling of the antidepressant Citalopram; misspellings do not occur on drugs lists in toxicology reports, as they are computer-generated. (00:37:10)


Those Kinds of Things - S6-E1

[MC Hammer's "U Can't Touch This" playing.]
Former Classmate: Come on, Dexter. It's hammer time.
Dexter: [internally] I have no idea what hammer time is. Or how it differs from regular time.


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Return to Sender - S1-E6

Trivia: (POSSIBLE SPOILER) When Masuka brings up the list of doctors authorized to get the M99, Dexter removes his alias note that Dexter's fake alias (used to get the M99 tranquilizer) is Dr. Patrick Bateman. Patrick Bateman is the lead character of "American Psycho". This was most likely an intentional "easter egg" of sorts within the show.


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Show generally

Question: Since Harry knew about Dexter's homicidal tendencies, why would he train Dexter on how to kill people who got away with their crimes instead of taking him to a psychologist?

Answer: Two reasons. First, as a cop he knows that there are lots of murderers walking around free due to flaws in the system so he uses Dexter's "urges" to right the wrongs in the system by taking out people who have no right to walk around free. Secondly, by taking him to a psychologist he runs the risk of having him committed and he doesn't want that for obvious reasons, so he figures it is best to channel his urges to what he considers a greater good.


In addition to the earlier answer, in the last season (8th) of the show, we are introduced to Dr. Vogel, whom Harry had been discussing the situation with Dexter as well, and it is shown on-camera that Harry describes what Dexter has done (killing)... So, technically he did consult a psychologist/psychiatrist, just not having Dexter and her actually meet. But Dr. Vogel was aware of whom it was and how to intercede.

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