King of the Hill

King of the Hill (1997)

62 mistakes in season 4

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Movin' On Up - S4-E16

Plot hole: As the guys are checking out the vacant house inside, they are surprised to see it has a pool. However the problem with this is its right next to the driveway in the front of the house, in the open with no fence in front of the driveway so it would provide a clear look through from the alley. As they state they never noticed it in 18 years living there, yet walking up and down the alley it's a bit hard to imagine being that open and they never saw it. Even the final shot (aerial shot) at the end of the episode we see it was far too obvious for them to have never seen in that space of time.


Aisle 8A - S4-E5

Continuity mistake: When Hank takes Connie to the doctors, he is in the waiting room. After Connie and the doctor come out they open the two doors and stand in front of the doors. Towards the end of the scene as the doctor is about to leave them, they have all moved far a short distance from the left of the doors.


Flush with Power - S4-E22

Factual error: When Nate goes to see Hank to show the incriminating photos of Bobby watering the lawn you can see Nate's car has orange tinting on his front headlight. Front headlights cannot contain any color tinting and must be clear. The car is an expensive looking car. I doubt he wanted to change the tinting of it either.


Little Horrors of Shop - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: When Dale & Hank are taking a spa in the house Dale is fumigating, Dale gets out of the spa. We see Hank has a headrest behind his head that is pink. The next shot is a close up of Hank's face and the headrest is now a light brown.


To Kill a Ladybird - S4-E9

Plot hole: As Bill goes to get another beer from the cooler box, he raises the door and a raccoon pops out. The only problem is there is no conceivable way it could have got in without one of them noticing or shutting the door on the cooler. They would have had to close the cooler before bringing it out and the size of the raccoon would have been hard to fit in the box along with the beer without someone noticing. Even if the raccoon had sneaked in the box before or after they brought the cooler out without anyone looking I don't think the raccoon would have been able to get in and put the door back on.


Aisle 8A - S4-E5

Continuity mistake: There is a scene when Hank & Peggy are talking in the garage. Next to Peggy there is a belt sander or something similar to a belt sander. In shots of Peggy from over Hank's shoulder, it disappears.


Little Horrors of Shop - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: Later in the episode, the students go over to Hank's garage to finish some of their class projects and gather around the workbench about halfway through the scene. Between shots some of the kids change positions including Joseph and one of the kids in a pink shirt.


Little Horrors of Shop - S4-E4

Continuity mistake: After Hank has been made to take forced leave from work, there is a shot of the house and the background you can tell by the color the sun is rising. In the next shot when Peggy is pretending to conduct in the kitchen with the kitchen utensil you can see a blue sky outside the kitchen window. There is no way the sun rose that quickly in the space of a second.


A Beer Can Named Desire - S4-E6

Continuity mistake: Toward the end of the episode Don Meredith takes Hank to the Superdome to try throwing the football into the Alamo beer can. After Hank makes the throw they walk to the football rack and Don picks up one of the footballs from the rack. We can see the top shelf has two footballs with the laces on the ball not visible. As they leave we can see on the same angle, there are three balls on the top shelf with the laces visible on all three balls.


Hillennium - S4-E10

Continuity mistake: In the episode we see the door to the boiler room (where Peggy's computer is) the door opens outwards into the hallway. Later in the episode she comes in to the room to check on some of her printings she was doing overnight. In this scene she opens it inwards. This wouldn't be possible as the door has a knob meaning it wouldn't be a two-way door.


Bill of Sales - S4-E17

Continuity mistake: When Peggy is insulting Bill to try and get him to sell Metalife products again, he has a beer in his left hand. In the next shot when he tries to convince Peggy to give him another chance the beer has disappeared even though he never put the beer down. They were outside on the front lawn so there was not enough time for him to hide it or place it somewhere else on his front lawn.


To Kill a Ladybird - S4-E9

Continuity mistake: When Bobby and Hank are in the pet store looking around, there are some red & white bags of dog food. Hank then asks the store clerk how much it costs to put a photo of Ladybird on a mug, and the color of the bags has changed. One of the bags is orange and white, whilst another is yellow and white.


Nancy's Boys - S4-E21

Continuity mistake: When Dale is talking about getting the silver medal, you can see that on the wall, near the bed, there is a wind catcher. Once Nancy says "If you say so, I was pretty drunk", the wind catcher disappears.

Flush with Power - S4-E22

Continuity mistake: Before the final board and zoning meeting finishes at the end of the episode, there are a number of people in the audience and a stenographer. As Hank is leaving they have all gone. It would have been near impossible for the entire room to vacate that quickly as less than half a minute had passed between seeing them and the room being completely empty.


Movin' On Up - S4-E16

Continuity mistake: When Luanne gets home from work at the start of the episode, Bobby is waiting for her to get the food she brings home. She puts the duck shaped bag on his tray with the beak of it facing Bobby. The next shot its facing the other way.


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The Wedding of Bobby Hill - S3-E14

Trivia: During Hanks's conversation with Bobby when he tells him that he will have to marry Luanne, look at the shelf behind Bobby. There is a Bart Simpson doll there. A few years before this was featured the Hill family was in the crowd at one of the pee wee football games in the Simpsons episode "Bart Star".


More trivia for King of the Hill

Answer: Jeffrey Boomhauer is a Texas Ranger as can be seen in the final episode at the end when he sets his wallet down, it flips open revealing a Texas Ranger badge.

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