That '70s Show
Movie Quote Quiz

Whole Lotta Love - S5-E16

Fez: Having sex with someone you work with is horrible. I don't know how Donny and Marie do it.

Time Is on My Side - S7-E1

Red Foreman: Steven, when are you moving out?
Hyde: Soon.
Red Foreman: How's your girlfriend?
Hyde: Shallow as hell.
Red Foreman: Job?
Hyde: Dead-end.
Red Foreman: Future?
Hyde: Bleak.
Red Foreman: Kitty, feed the boy.
[Kitty takes Eric's plate and gives it to Hyde].

The Career Day - S1-E18

Visible crew/equipment: In the scene in Bargain Bob's where Donna is talking to Bob, the end of the set and lights can be seen in the reflection of metal cookware that Bob is tying balloons to. (00:07:50)

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Trivia: The show was originally titled "Teenage Wasteland" or "The Kids Are Alright" but those were songs by The Who and, legally, Fox couldn't get permission to use them. They renamed the show "Feelin' Alright" to show the focus groups. However, nobody really liked the name. After the focus groups airing, the audience were heard saying they really liked that show about the 70's or that 70's show - and the name stuck.

Zwn Annwn

More trivia for That '70s Show

Chosen answer: Danny Masterson is the one who screams "hello Wisconsin".

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