Dear Emily and Richard - S3-E13
Corrected entry: The book that Emily sends to Lorelai and Rory about Europe is dated 1986, however Rory was born in 1984, therefore the book cannot be the book that Lorelai was reading the day that Rory was conceived.
Dear Emily and Richard - S3-E13
Corrected entry: In this episode, Sherry is giving birth to Georgia and Rory is the only one there with her at the beginning of her pre-delivery status. Sherry is freaking out about work and needs to reschedule all her appointments, so she and Rory do it using a mobile phone. Anyone whose ever been to a hospital or even watched an episode of E.R. would know that mobile phones are not allowed to be used in hospitals. The nurse in the scene even talks to Sherry while Rory is talking on Sherry's mobile phone for her, so it's not as if the staff didn't know about it.
Correction: Cell phones are allowed in maternity wards.
Correction: The book that Lorelai and Christopher were reading when Rory was conceived was dated 1978. The one dated 1986 was briefly mentioned beforehand.