Corrected entry: Why would H.G. Wells understand the word 'screen' as used to mean computer monitor screen? The modern computer as we know it didn't exist in H.G. Wells' lifetime.
Corrected entry: It is claimed in "Timelash" that the young H.G. Wells was a teacher. In 1885 (when he is supposed to have encountered the Doctor and Vena), he was apprenticed to a draper in London. He didn't become a teacher until after he had gained a BSc in zoology and geology at university in 1888, three years AFTER the period in which this story is set.
Correction: Not quite. Wells was released from his apprenticeship in 1883 and was a student/teacher until 1887, fitting with this timeline.
Correction: Not in that context, but "screens" were used in the 19th century to project images, including the first moving pictures.