Corrected entry: Why would H.G. Wells understand the word 'screen' as used to mean computer monitor screen? The modern computer as we know it didn't exist in H.G. Wells' lifetime.
Corrected entry: It is claimed in "Timelash" that the young H.G. Wells was a teacher. In 1885 (when he is supposed to have encountered the Doctor and Vena), he was apprenticed to a draper in London. He didn't become a teacher until after he had gained a BSc in zoology and geology at university in 1888, three years AFTER the period in which this story is set.
Correction: Not quite. Wells was released from his apprenticeship in 1883 and was a student/teacher until 1887, fitting with this timeline.
Attack of the Cybermen - S22-E1
Corrected entry: The TARDIS comes under "enormous g-force", implying it is free falling through an atmosphere. However the Doctor later says something about it not begin able to breathe in a vacuum, with would imply they were still in space. (However, planets aren't the only things to produce gravity, suns also do, but suns tend to be fairly hot, and nothing is said about heat...).
Correction: The TARDIS is not falling through an atmosphere (if it were, the Doctor and Peri would be floating inside). It is accelerating out of control.
Corrected entry: The effect of the brain scanner is flat to the screen, which is fine when looking straight at the Doctor. However we then see it from an angle, and the effect is still flat to the screen. These means it moves from scanning straight across his neck, to going from right shoulder to left ear.
Correction: The intent is that the brain scan is a cone of energy emitted by the small probe tip centered on the box. From any direction, a cone will look flat.
Correction: Not in that context, but "screens" were used in the 19th century to project images, including the first moving pictures.