Question: In the courtroom, after everyone goes "Oh no.", what looks like a teapot bursts through the wall going "Oh yeah.". I'm assuming it's a US advert, but I've got no idea for what - can someone let me know?
Question: Why did the original girl that did Meg's voice (Lacey Chabert) leave Family Guy? Did she really think she was too good and famous for Family Guy or what? You can tell Meg's voice changed, going from Lacey Chabert to Mila Kunis.
Answer: From the IMDB: Mila Kunis replaced an uncredited Lacey Chabert as the voice of Meg in the second production season. Erratic air dates and production times saw various second season episodes aired before first season episodes on FOX, causing the voice of Meg to jump back and forth. One episode ("There's Something About Paulie") features a Season 1 production code but a Season 2 Meg so it is included on the R2/R4 Season 2 DVD set. Cast and crew members all seem to have different stories on why she left. Some say it was because of failed contract negotiations, while others say it was because she didn't agree with the show's content.
Chosen answer: It's the Kool Aid mascot (Kool Aid being a fruit flavoured powdered drink mix - FILLED with sugar). It has been bursting walls (while screaming "Oh, yeah!") for years, bringing what's needed to quench children's thirst.