
Friends (1994)

4 mistakes in Season 1 generally

(114 votes)

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Season 1 generally

Continuity mistake: The number of the flats near the start of the first series was 4 and 5. After a few shows they changed to 19 and 20. [The producers realised that the numbers 4 and 5 were for apartments on the lower floors and had shown Monica's apartment to be much higher up so they changed the numbers - it's still a mistake but there's the reason.]

Kathy: So, what did you do today?
Chandler: Well, I had an appointment to get my hair cut...
Kathy: Oh, it looks great!
Chandler: ...and then it got cancelled.

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The One With the Sharks - S9-E4

Question: What's the name of the "scary painting" that Joey saw in the apartment of the girl he thought he'd slept with before? The strange and creepy painting (black and white, with an amorphous body and a chair). I really, really want to know who is the artist. Not Gladys - that's Phoebe's painting that comes out of the frame.

David Cañedo Mesinas

Answer: The painting doesn't have a name, and if it does it is never mentioned in this episode.

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