The One With Joey's Fridge - S6-E19
Corrected entry: In Season 2 Episode 1 'TOW Ross' New Girlfriend' Joey is talking about how his tailor did his first pants when he was either 15 or 16. He wasn't sure and said 'When was 1990?' Indicating that he was 15 or 16 in 1990. In Season 6 Episode 19 'TOW Joey's Fridge' It was revealed that in 1981 Joey was 13. Which means that Joey was born in 1968. If Joey was born in 1968, then in 1990 he was 22.
The One With Joey's Fridge - S6-E19
Corrected entry: When Rachel refuses the two guys she is offered, when she is about to storm out then asks the guy about his hair, the shot changes. Between these shots, Phoebe simply disappears from beside Monica and Chandler. (00:18:10)
The One With Joey's Fridge - S6-E19
Corrected entry: In this episode The One With Joey's Fridge, Rachel's hair is just a few inches past her shoulders and in the very next episode, The One with Mac and C. H. E. E. S. E. Rachel's hair has magically grown down to her waist. No one else's hair has changed, and no mention of it in these episodes either. I guess they were just hoping no one would notice it.
Correction: She could have had hair extensions put in, and since we don't see every second of their lives on camera, we could assume her friends already knew about it and did not mention it.
Correction: He never says that in 1990 he was 16. He was asking when was 1990 to have a time reference, and then calculate when the event happened in relation to that.
Dr. James