
Revealing mistake: Right before Sarah fires the second shot at Dyson at his home office, you can see a puff of smoke come from where she is at. The problem is, she doesn't shoot until a second or two after that and no sound is heard. What is the puff of smoke?


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Suggested correction: After the first shot, there is only a brief close-up of Dyson and then one of Sarah before she fires the second shot. There is no smoke coming from her side before she fires the second shot, as that can't be visible. There is some smoke appearing after the second shot though, in the shot with the camera behind the desk and Dyson diving under it. But that's probably electronics flying and exploding from the second shot hitting the computer. A second or 2 later, she opens up full auto.


The puff of smoke is outside.


2nd Jan 2023

Sudden Death (1995)

Stupidity: The secret service officer near the elevator gets shot right in the middle of his head by the Penguin mascot, and she drags his dead body into the elevator. Suddenly he's able to moan and groan and she shoots him again. The guy was very shot in the head, as in graphically. How is he suddenly alive enough to moan?


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Suggested correction: A bullet to the head is not guaranteed to kill someone. Movies and video games have taught us that being shot in the head is instant death, but that just isn't the case.


Pretty sure you wouldn't wake up in seconds after a bullet to the head.


Correct. You probably would just lay there stunned while moaning and groaning... exactly like the scene depicts.

He didn't "wake up", he moaned. Which is 100% possible and actually happens quite frequently.


27th Aug 2001

True Lies (1994)

Revealing mistake: During the hotel scene where Arnold is on the horse chasing the bad guy on the motorcycle, keep your eye on the carpet. As the bike clears a path through the lobby, you can see tyre marks all over the carpet where this shot has been practised many times. (00:36:00)

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Suggested correction: I watched a few times but I'm not convinced. I did see "tracks", but they were not the same (or as obvious) as the fresh tracks. I also saw lines running perpendicular in spots. Some of the lines may not have been "practice tracks", but indentations from the food service carts on wheels and others appeared to be from foot traffic. Still others could have been left from vacuuming. At times, I could not see any tracks that might/should have been left. Another opinion would be nice.


I see the tracks the poster is referring to. Right before the band gets interrupted, and again in the lobby of the other building (with the elevator) when the bike is turning. This is right before Tasker's team shoots a single shot at him. There are definite practice marks on the floor. The tracks in the first hotel are harder to see but far more obvious in the second building.




Visible crew/equipment: During the Broadway Melody, the shadow of the hanging boom mic becomes visible. This happens during the sequence filmed in the large sound stage. Kelly is dancing with a woman with a long fabric flowing behind her. The shadow is on the right side.


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Suggested correction: I can see no shadow at any point in this scene. Could you provide a time stamp or screen capture? Besides, there is no spoken dialog or even any natural sound in the scene. Why would they be using a boom mike?

It's on the right, center side of the screen when the lady with the long flowing dress is further away and the shot cranes up. This is a musical number, Kelly is singing. They would still use a microphone.


Are you talking about the fantasy sequence between Kelley and Cyd Charisse? If you mean the faint shadow at 1:25:18, that is a shadow from the flowing cloth. And no, they would not be using a microphone. 1) There is no singing in that sequence. 2) In musicals at the time, all singing was pre-recorded and the actors lip-synced to a playback on stage.

26th Oct 2005

Tremors (1990)

Corrected entry: The radio that was taken up onto the roof was not battery powered and should not have continued working because it was no longer plugged into an electrical outlet.

Correction: Not necessarily. It is possible it is battery powered. I have had many radios this large in the past that have both battery and AC power.


Correction: The original post is correct. For a radio that size to be effective it would need to be attached to a DC car battery or converted to AC for a household plug. In any case this is a movie error.


A radio like that can run on 6 D cells. Trust me, I've owned enough radios to know better. At this point this mistake is semantics.


Audio problem: The ghost of Christmas past says "these are but shadows... they are what they are - do not blame me." Her mouth keeps moving after she stops speaking.


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Suggested correction: No, it doesn't. When she finishes this speech at 45:16, there is an immediate cut to Scrooge. We can only see the back of the ghost. Her mouth is not visible.

Peter Harrison

Suggested correction: A mouth can move without speaking, not an audio problem but a puppeteering problem that is not a mistake.


A puppeteer problem would still be a mistake.


Maybe for the puppeteer, but in the movie it is no problem because a mouth can move without sound coming out. So what exactly went wrong?


But practically speaking people (or puppets) don't just flap their mouth open and closed with no reason. The overwhelming probability is simply that there was a dubbing error or a line was cut and the dialogue didn't fit with the mouth movement.

The mouth opens 1 extra time. That's all.


But it's glaring enough to be noticeable. Regardless of how or why it happened, it's a mistake.


In the version on Disney+, there is an immediate cut to Scrooge as the spirit finishes her speech. We only see the back of the spirit's head. Are you seeing something different on other versions?

Peter Harrison I got the scene right here, it's at 1:50. Judge for yourself. I can repeat that part over and over again, but to be honest, sometimes it looks like there is an extra movement. Sometimes I can't see it. Even if it was, muppets move their mouths without speaking all the time.


5th Jan 2016

Inside Out (2015)

Plot hole: Joy and Sadness are stuck outside of the control center. They are trying to figure out how to get back, and encounter maintenance workers who are discarding old memories. The maintenance workers show that they have the power to send memories back up to the control center to be played. Why couldn't they send the core memories that Joy had back up the same way? Better yet, why not use that method to send Joy and Sadness back up to the control center? The director of the film is even aware of the plot hole, and said "Yeah, well then we wouldn't have a third act," before explaining how the idea of recalling memories was added in later, "box[ing] [the screenwriters] in a corner a little bit."


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Suggested correction: Even if they do send the core memories up to headquarters, they wouldn't be able to get joy and sadness through the tiny gap that the workers send the memories up. Joy has to be in headquarters for Riley to be happy.

This mistake is large enough that the director is aware of it. I think that more than qualifies it to be on this site.


Suggested correction: Joy is a control freak, she wants to return the memories herself. She doesn't even imagine that the workers can do such a thing.

9th Jul 2020

The Mask (1994)

Revealing mistake: Dorian and his men are watching what we're assuming is a live feed from Tina at the bank. At one point the "video" stops as you can see a guard freeze. From that point on the video is a still picture.


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Suggested correction: If you look at the top of the screen showing the bank video, you can see a multicolored distortion. This shows that they paused the video feed.


We don't see them pause the video.


We also don't see their hands, so one of them easily could have paused it.

20th Apr 2005

Joy Ride (2001)

Factual error: In the scene where Lewis dials the police at the gas station, he says "Rawlins County Sheriff's Department please." There is no such county in Wyoming (where this particular scene is) named Rawlins County. He should have said Carbon County. Also, Table Rock is in Sweetwater County, and there are no police services there. (00:36:50)


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Suggested correction: Many films and TV shows make up their own places.

Except in this film they're using real town names and they show a real map.


27th Dec 2017

Deepwater Horizon (2016)

Visible crew/equipment: Near the end when Mark is walking into the hotel, the reflection of the camera operator can be seen to the left in the door. (01:34:00)


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Suggested correction: There is also the world media outside filming the survivors entering the hotel. To say it is a camera operator, while statistically true, can't be classed a mistake as we don't know if it's a member of the media.


This is the actual camera filming the shot. That's a mistake.


Where exactly? looking at the scene it's hard to tell the difference.


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