Singin' in the Rain

Singin' in the Rain (1952)

4 corrected entries

(5 votes)

Correction: Actually, the song is still in A flat. She only starts singing on an E flat. There is still the D flat in the key signature. In fact, the note on the 'in' in 'Singin' is a D flat.

Corrected entry: Near the end of the movie, when Debbie Reynolds is supposed to be dubbing Jean Hagen's singing and dialog for "The Dancing Cavalier," Debbie was actually lip-synching to Jean's real singing and dialog. In other words, the dubber was dubbed by the dubbee.

Correction: This is a common Hollywood urban legend. Though both Debbie Reynolds and Jean Hagen were exceptional singers, Betty Noyes sang "Would You?" and "You Are My Lucky Star."

Corrected entry: During the Good Morning song when Cathy is sitting on the steps watching Cosmo dance the hat she has on disappears.

Correction: The hat doesn't disappear, it is on the steps beside Kathy, most of it is obscured by the raincoat but you can still see quite a bit.

Corrected entry: When Don Lockwood jumps into Kathy's car to get away from his fans, from the above shot you see her look upwards just after he drops. In the very next shot, Don is on top of the seat and Kathy is looking straight ahead, then turns to look at him, surprised.

Correction: I checked frame by frame, she's wearing a hat, and it never moves on the long shot. She is looking straight ahead the whole time.

Jack's Revenge

Other mistake: In Gene Kelly's 'Singing in the Rain' sequence, the taps he makes do not match up with the actual movements of his feet - they are much more complicated than the steps he makes. Since one can't tap dance in wet loafers, Kelly had to do the dance in the studio, and the taps were added into the picture. He apparently got a little overzealous.

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Don Lockwood: What's your lofty mission in life that lets you sneer at my humble profession?
Kathy Selden: I'm an actress.
Don Lockwood: What?
Kathy Selden: On the stage.
Don Lockwood: Oh, on the stage. Well, I'd like to see you act. What are you in right now? I could brush up on my English, or bring along an interpreter. That is if they'd let in a movie actor.
Kathy Selden: I'm not in a play right now, but I will be. I'm going to New York...
Don Lockwood: Oh, you're going to New York! And then someday, we'll all hear of you, won't we? Kathy Selden as Juliet, as Lady Macbeth, as King Lear! You'll have to wear a beard for that one, of course.

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More trivia for Singin' in the Rain

Question: Before Lina sings "Singin' in the Rain," she keeps backing up to the curtain (to ask Kathy what song she's going to sing, and in what key). Wouldn't that tip off the audience that Lina wasn't using her own voice?

Answer: They might think she's just asking someone backstage, R.F. or something, which song it would be best to sing.

rabid anarchist

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