Question: Before Lina sings "Singin' in the Rain," she keeps backing up to the curtain (to ask Kathy what song she's going to sing, and in what key). Wouldn't that tip off the audience that Lina wasn't using her own voice?
Question: Why didn't Debbie Reynolds actually do the talking and singing when Kathy is dubbing over Lina?
Chosen answer: Because Kathy's supposed to be disguising her own voice to sound like Lina would if she could sing. The studio is trying to fool the public into believing that this is Lina's voice, even though she can't sing and sounds terrible when she speaks. Actress Jean Hagen, who played Lina, was a singer in real life, and she actually dubbed her own voice.
Question: When Don is doing the interview at the beginning of the film, why does Cosmo make a face when Don says that he lives by the motto "Dignity, always dignity"?
Answer: As you can see in the flashback during the interview, Don hasn't always managed to live by his alleged motto - to put it mildly!
Question: When Kathy, Cosmo and Don are sitting in Don's kitchen and are discussing about Don making a musical, Don says "Only problem is after they release 'The Dueling Cavalier', no-one would come and see me jump off the Woolworth Building.". What does he say at the end of this sentence?
Answer: The line is "... no one would come and see me jump off the Woolworth Building into a damp rag."
Question: Does anyone know what a "mammy" is? It is said twice during this movie.
Answer: It is the same as a nurse maid or nanny. It tended to be someone who was black and a slave (a long time ago).
Answer: They might think she's just asking someone backstage, R.F. or something, which song it would be best to sing.
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