
The Death March of Young Kindaichi File 3 - S2-E3

Plot hole: Kindaichi bases his solution on a fact (there was a certain object on the elevator together with the victim) he couldn't know about, since Li did not mention it (and if he did, he would have been on the right track to solve the mystery himself).


The Game Mansion Murder Case File 3 - S1-E25

Plot hole: An additional plot twist of the episode has the Puppeteer from the Hell as the mastermind behind the operation. What does not make sense is the fact that he regularly visited the killer in prison showing his face fully in the open. To make it even more ludicrous, the next episode shows that he needs to constantly wear a mask because he's wanted by the police, and he is on the run. Previous episodes showed already without a doubt that the police had all his data and pictures.


25th Mar 2022

Lupin the 3rd (1971)

Farewell My Beloved Witch - S1-E3

Plot hole: Lupin was captured by chance, and he did not plan for that, nor he seemed to have previous knowledge of Stern's appearance, but he escapes regardless using a Mission Impossible-like perfect mask of him. He also somehow kept his own blazer, tie and shoes underneath the uniform and boots he stole and wore. (00:16:00)


Inspector Kenmochi the Murderer File 3 - S1-E21

Plot hole: During the blackout, the people who will turn out in the next episode to be the killer and the victim say things (in monologue) and act in ways that don't make sense in relation to the plot and are merely meant to cheat the audience.


Plot hole: Dr. King is chasing Hassan through the market. She runs after him at great speed; even assuming that they could have run in a circle for a while, it makes no sense (especially given her role in the plot) that Lady Westholme is one of the people in the market crowd, casually chatting with a merchant, when she was behind Poirot, at the hotel, as the chase started. (01:15:45)


Plot hole: The movie at best is being dishonest with the ending of the chase scene; to keep Dr. King as a possible suspect, the gunshot happens so shortly after she went out of frame (with no cuts) that (since she is -NOT - the killer) there is no possible way that the gun could have ended in her hand. There's also no possible way for the culprit to escape, to find Hassan in the crowd and be there at the perfect moment, etc. (01:16:35)


15th Mar 2022

Death on the Nile (1978)

Plot hole: It's not solely the adaptation's fault, but in the visual medium it sticks out more. We know that the killer used nail polish to simulate the blood the first time around, and then throws away the stained handkerchief and replaces it with a clean one which will be stained in real blood. The problem is, you see the fake blood, which is nail polish, drip down his pants and soak his hand; while the pants may not be too much of a problem since the doctor cuts them off in the proximity of the wound (even if we see a drip in the uncut part, it's likely that Poirot never took a look at them), Simon still has a hand covered in paint, which has also a characteristic odor as Poirot remarks in a different part of the movie, and wouldn't come out easily. Somehow that goes entirely unnoticed, and it wouldn't take the sharp instinct and senses of Poirot to pick up on the anomaly, you'd think. He was also of course mighty lucky that nothing spilled on the couch or carpet.


Inspector Kenmochi the Murderer File 2 - S1-E20

Plot hole: One of the plot points of the episode lies in the fact that Kenmochi is accused to be the killer because only the cops had Busujima's phone number, apart from his two accomplices. That point holds absolutely no weight; the killer is a killer because he, well, killed someone, and that someone was exactly one of those accomplices. It's a fact that can't be ignored by even the most ignorant investigator, especially with the accomplice's phone being directly involved in the murder. (00:10:15)


12th Mar 2022

Death on the Nile (2022)

Plot hole: This adaptation further exacerbates the problem of previous movie and TV versions; in the novel, Jackie would make the female designated witness talk over and over pretending also to get drunk after Linnet left to go to bed. In the Ustinov version it happened too, but the diversion didn't seem to last more than a couple minutes. Same in the Suchet version. Here, Simon even provokes Jackie practically the moment his wife exits the room. There's no time whatsoever for her to change and get in bed, let alone fall asleep.


Inspector Kenmochi the Murderer File 2 - S1-E20

Plot hole: The brief intermission when Busujima meets the 'killer', or at least the person wearing the hat, does not make sense plot-wise and is merely a dishonest way to trick the audience. It's not even something Busujima tells someone, so it can't be characterized as a 'unreliable narrator' device. (00:18:30)


Plot hole: This movie adaptation adds an odd bit where an attempt is made on Poirot's life using a cobra. How in the world did the culprit manage to get a hold of a venomous snake, is never explained or addressed and goes against the carefully designed plot, since the culprit would have needed to obtain it through a third party (a member of the staff, perhaps) and that would expose them. Poirot actually says "you found another use for that serpent" but the idea that Simon actually obtained the snake before they devised the plan and somehow just happened to carry it around on honeymoon when the plan for his uxoricide was entirely different and carefully prepared, is even more absurd.


Death on the Nile - S9-E3

Plot hole: Much like the 1978 movie adaptation, in this version there is an absurdly short time elapsing between Linnet leaving the bridge table and the incident and murder; it's barely two minutes when she'd have to go to her cabin, do everything a proper lady of the time would do to prepare to go to bed, and fall sound asleep. That's because the witness character (Cornelia Robson here) in the novel is supposed to be droning about her boring life for a long time, but there are no gaps in her speech to imply that a long time passed - at most there's the waiter bringing a drink at the very beginning who sorta comes out of the blue.


Murderous Intent of Below Freezing 15 Degrees - S2-E9

Plot hole: Kindaichi's explanation of the trick does not make sense; he says the culprit put the towels outside to freeze in the bin, but if they were frozen solid they would have been impossible to reshape easily and quickly, and if they were already in the shape they wanted, that would have been just too big for the bin to contain. (00:14:25)


19th Feb 2022

Scream 2 (1997)

Plot hole: It's never explained or questioned not just how Cotton Weary just happened to stumble into Dewey inside a remote recording room, but why was a non-student not from the area wandering around the student campus at 10-11 PM during a curfew to begin with.


Plot hole: Harry learned about Max Dillon watching the Ravencroft video that lasted just a few seconds; from that he can infer the hatred for Spider-man, but not much else, and he's instantly locked off his Oscorp account, and building, after that.However, when he meets Max, he also knows that he is the one who submitted the design for the Oscorp power grid, which is information he shouldn't have since he had no time nor opportunity to investigate further - plus, all data about Max has been erased, and he never got proper credit for that to begin with. (01:28:50 - 01:36:30)


Plot hole: The crux of the plot (one of the many plotlines, that is) is that Harry Osborn hates Spider-man because he refused to help him when he is quickly dying of the same genetic disease that killed his father. You can see the problem in this sentence already; he is a teenager, but he's dying super-quickly (he already has a large ulcer on his neck) of a disease that didn't bother him with severe symptoms before and that took away his father at 63. No reason is given of this sudden outburst in Harry's case, in fact nobody even acknowledges that such a difference exists.


The Prison Prep School Murder Case File 3 - S1-E12

Plot hole: Kujiragi's textbook is missing. It's a plot point and it's something the culprit did to plant an evidence using a page from it. However, when the case is solved, this point is glossed over; only a page from the book was needed, which the culprit could have ripped away at any moment without stealing the book, and more importantly, when Kindaichi finds the book, there was no window of opportunity for the killer to put it back; Kindaichi and Kujiragi were right there in the corridor the whole time. The live version adaptation fixes this hole because the character finds his book only the day after, in class.


The Alchemy Murder Case File 3 - S1-E8

Plot hole: The locked room mystery is original, but besides the fact that it requires melting part of a door on the spot and being able to repair it absolutely flawlessly so that nobody would notice any bump and discolouring and irregularity when they check the lock later investigating the murder, it also requires them to do it in total silence so the other guests don't notice, and part of the process shown involved cutting through it with a screwdriver and bashing it with a hammer - they show that and there's even a loud sound effect for it. (00:18:00)


The Hong Kong Kowloon Treasure Murder Case File 4 - S1-E4

Plot hole: Miyuki has been peacefully waiting for over a day at a stranger's house because she was told that the whole Hong Kong was under lockdown and her friends were in another location. That cover story (which would have been exposed if only she looked out of the window, people were NOT in lockdown) does not explain at all the kidnapping in the clothing stall or why she didn't have her phone or talk to Hajime at any point. She'd have to be braindead not to question even slightly what was happening.


The Hong Kong Kowloon Treasure Murder Case File 2 - S1-E2

Plot hole: An essential part of the plot relies on the fact that thanks to Saki's handheld camera, Kindaichi can examine Ran's arse dragon and therefore investigate even in her absence. But what set the plot in motion was the fact that Ran appeared in a professional modelling photoshoot displaying it. Stupidity of the girl aside, that means that the culprit never needed the girl, having HQ shots of the tattoo at their disposal. They even work for the company.


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