
31st Dec 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Down Down Down - S1-E3

Plot hole: The demented villain is not keeping tabs on the elevators! The rescue teams can move freely around the tower, the elevator doors can be pried open with ease like Sophie and her husband do, so his threat is completely empty and ineffective, somewhat surpassed in idiocy only by Batwoman's response, who during the ultimatum gets back home and keeps busy spraypanting the suit and finding a wig for her date with the crazy guy at the top of the hour rather than taking 10 minutes or so to free the people trapped in the 7 elevators first, unopposed as she is, and go challenge the idiot later when he has no more hostages. It shoud also be noted that the villain made the "hostage" situation and the "one hour" ultimatum known only to Kate! The police and the Crows have no reason at all not to intervene with full force to check out who the crazy bomber guy is, but the police does not swarm the building and nobody finds odd to see a madman on top of the building under terrorist attack.


31st Dec 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Who Are You? - S1-E4

Plot hole: Analyzing the remains of the explosion on the bridge does not lead to the retrieval and identification of the detonator who triggered the bomb, but Sophie deduces that it must be unreleased technology from Hamilton's, because of the extreme precision with a convoy that had 7 vehicles. The vehicles in the bridge scene in episode 2 were proceeding in a line and several meters apart. There was nothing unique in the detonation as shown, any stooge pushing a button on a remote control could have hit with the same 'precision' without breaking a sweat. (00:12:30)


31st Dec 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Who Are You? - S1-E4

Plot hole: The whole pearl necklace situation is a scene choke-full of mistakes. What we witness is Batwoman 'protecting' people from explosions of terrible superimposed CGI who look absolutely harmless, don't hurt anybody, are generally tiny and at great distance from everyone. The culmination happens when to thwart the threat of the single pearl left (the pearls all explode at different times, must have super high tech nano-detonators) Batwoman throws the batarang with millimetre precision at the small hand of a little girl, somehow knocking away the object, somehow not making it explode (how could she know hitting it violently wouldn't?) and leaps on the girl to shield her eyes from the explosion. Explosion which should be very distant since it comes from a single tiny pearl violently knocked away by a metal batarang before Kate' sprint, but somehow is still so big and devastating to horrify the crowd, larger than anything seen in the museum with dozens more and close by.


30th Dec 2019

Batwoman (2019)

The Rabbit Hole - S1-E2

Plot hole: Batwoman sees live on TV the explosion that sends the truck into the river, while she is in the clinic of her stepsister on top of a building. She needs to go get her bike and drive to site. Fox says that she is "5 minutes out" when the truck is shown going completely underwater, with Alice inside who has been unconscious all the time. Even assuming that she makes it in less time than that, she still has to leave her bike somewhere and access the river from a somewhat secluded spot and swim to the spot, because the bridge is crawling with cops. There is no way that Batwoman would be able to save her and Alice would be totally fine, needing simply an aqualung to get back to her senses (and somehow survive an explosion that nearly kills Batwoman with her padded 10 million dollars suit).


30th Dec 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Down Down Down - S1-E3

Plot hole: During the investigation for the security breach at Wayne Enterprises, the policemen are recalled for an emergency at the Gazette. (would make no sense that they are so short on men right in the core of the city that they'd need to call people away from an active investigation like that, but fine). The radio code used is "10-54", which is supposedly according to sources online "possible dead body", it perfectly fits the situation. When Kate arrives on site, people are just then starting to flock the area. Where have they all been before? It is impossible that someone called the police on it, who are somewhere else entirely, but several minutes passed by and every curious bystander is just arriving now with the protagonist. (00:11:50)


30th Dec 2019

Lupin III (2015)

The Left Hand of the Magician - S1-E5

Plot hole: Luca draws the sketches of a magic trick, but they contain a fatal flaw that would kill whoever is doing it. He is hospitalized so he takes no part in the setup, so there is basically no chance that the flaw would go undetected. Other people are building the stage and device and they'd do at least a couple of tests before debuting a death defying stunt with live arrows and fire during the show.


30th Dec 2019

Lupin III (2015)

The Sharpshooter - S1-E4

Plot hole: Eric is supposedly masterful at putting people into a coma, creating the 'living dead', but the old geezer was able to drag himself to the hospital without help and perfectly conscious (he is even conscious on the operating table!).


30th Dec 2019

Lupin III (2015)

The Left Hand of the Magician - S1-E5

Plot hole: Luca is the one who set a deadly trap, but somehow doing that he realises that it was his rival that killed his dad, and accuses him of trying to hurt Fujiko...which he did himself! In fact, this begs the question; if the ringmaster wanted to be the one and only to have access to his father's tricks, why was Fujiko the one doing the magical act? It would have brought fame to her and kept him in the shadows. If he knew that the act was flawed (and it was not, since it works), another death on stage would have tanked the show forever, so obviously it was not what he was after either.


30th Dec 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Who Are You? - S1-E4

Plot hole: The whole "booby trapped frozen room" does not make any sense. Let's try to ignore the fact that it is entire speculation and a huge leap of faith on Mr. Fox's part that the trap works that way or that it's the only one, and that it wouldn't make sense (especially for a thief) to have something so erratic rigged to destroy your whole expensive equipment and jewelry stash - at most something directed at the door or a small charge to destroy your HD to cover your tracks. Still, it is supposed to react to any minuscule variation of temperature in the room and is triggered by a small sneeze, but Batwoman opens the door normally, and that alone would create a variation in temperature much bigger than her breath's (just think of what happens when someone does that in real life!). (00:21:40)


30th Dec 2019

Lupin III (2015)

Until Sunset, the Full Moon - S1-E7

Plot hole: Lupin tells Fujiko what happened at the Gotti Mansion while she was away, and she is surprised. The caption says it happened "2 hours ago." But turns out it was Zenigata to call the police and send them to the mansion. After that, Fujiko ran off. If she didn't know that Zenigata knew, there's no reason why she would run away. Also, you have to assume that Zenigata has been in front of the phone waiting for a long time for the HQ to call him back about the outcome of the operation, because if he *just* made the call, then Lupin's presence and Fujiko's escape become outright impossible. But it is exactly how it is shown; Zenigata makes the call, and immediately after there's Elena/Fujiko walking down the stairs.


30th Dec 2019

Lupin III (2015)

2% Chance of Survival - S1-E3

Plot hole: Nix's hypersensitive hearing is disturbed by the smoke bomb exploding close by, but he is not thrown off at all by Lupin's unsilenced gun in the enclosed space, which produces a louder and sharper sound.


30th Dec 2019

Batwoman (2019)

Who Are You? - S1-E4

Plot hole: Fox is alerted by the alarms that there is an intruder in the house, exactly in Wayne's office. He has to make his way up from the Batcave to the main residence, enter by the door and then he gets knocked out by Magpie. As it turns out at the end of the episode, she had the place perfectly scouted (and it was shown anyway that the intruder was already in the office when the alarm rang), so there's no reason at all why she'd still be there to assault him, considering the necklace was not guarded by some bulletproof crystal or anything of the sort and if she planned such a bold theft in broad daylight she surely wouldn't take her time to get what she came for. (00:15:25)


'Unmei no sentaku' mitaina - S1-E6

Plot hole: Akito's attack is point blank, on a ship part of a fleet with Distortion Field activated (basically, they have shields, like the good guys' robots). The explosion he causes is according to Ruri's damage report big enough that it managed to vaporize 80% of the ships they were facing, but his Aestivalis and the other 3 right floating nearby make out of it literally without a scratch. (00:05:10)


29th Dec 2019

Gemini Man (2019)

Plot hole: Apparently, in 20 years Junior and his dad never once discussed the subject of his birthday, aka "If I am an orphan, how do we know when my birthday is." It is something that can have so many perfectly innocent explanations that Junior can't verify ("It's the day I found you" being one) that would be tremendously odd and inconsiderate of the manipulative villain to not even have conceived a shred of a back story for it (in fact he should have been the one feeding it to him first at a young age). (01:18:00)


29th Dec 2019

Gemini Man (2019)

Plot hole: The villain is hellbent on killing Henry, or his secret cloning project may be exposed. His 'son' Junior fails to kill Henry in Hungary in a train of events starting at midnight, local time, and that takes at least an hour between action and mundane offscreen necessities like flight preparations. He then shows up in his office in Georgia to inform him of his failure. It was a flight over 8,000 kms long; let's factor in the 6 hours time difference between Budapest and the EST and assume he took off right away; his dad is at the office at 3 or 4 AM, unsuspecting and quietly doing other work apparently unrelated to the most important matter his whole business hinges on, not a worry about Brogan being obviously not dead (he knows where he is due to the chip). And there is enough time left in the night for all the big climax of the movie to happen, including mobilizing a large force for urban combat without a soul in the streets.


29th Dec 2019

Gemini Man (2019)

Plot hole: Mending the wounds Junior received in the Colombian mission, Clay asks him "Did you get a look at his face?" And Junior replies "Not really. I saw him at the stairs through a dirty mirror." First big issue; do we have to believe that the guy was sent to kill Henry without knowing how he looks? We do learn later in the movie that Henry has been chipped, but Junior is stalking him as a sniper/hunter and is not using a HUD to track him. Plus, the movie explicitly negated it earlier; Henry himself in Cartagena asked Junior "Did they show you a picture of me?" to which he replied "Yeah, you look old." So Clay's question is really odd and suspect (if anything draws attention on something he should be trying to hide). Second problem; Junior fought Henry in a close-up fight at the end of the chase, the mirror bit was not their only encounter! Why would he lie to his supposed father, especially when he is trying to get answers from him? (00:47:00)


29th Dec 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Plot hole: During the presentation of Bloom Innovative's pizza printer, the villain who pulls the strings of the whole operation (and controls Bloom) is in the audience. Since Bloom at the end of the movie is not depicted as a sophisticated AI but just a holographic projection, it appears impossible that he could do his stage performance and interact (verbally at least) with principal and audience. (00:33:20)


29th Dec 2019

Daphne & Velma (2018)

Plot hole: Bloom Innovative is depicted as an incredibly famous cutting-edge tech company with a massive social network presence. It is unforeseeable that its charismatic owner and public face would have been for years a hologram whose likeness is modeled after "the most famous male model in Japan" (let's forget the fact that it's pretty unlikely that'd be a white dude), not exactly a secluded country with no attention to media and tech. Later when they talk with the real villain, Velma in fact refers to him as "an obscure model", which would make much more sense plot-wise (but then Daphne couldn't have recognized him at first glance). (01:05:45)


29th Dec 2019

Collision Course (1989)

Plot hole: The odd couple tails the suspicious guy bossing around the car company mogul and run a check on the license plate. The response is "Car registered H.W. Scully. No known residence, only address PO Box 25047 Detroit." They tail him a bit, end up in the bowling alley and lose him in the commotion. After that, Leno asks his buddy at the district if he has "anything on that guy Scully", and the answer is "This guy has done anything but rape Bambi. Several weapons charges, assault and battery, he beat a murder rap in Sarasota" etc. And of course, an address. (00:56:35 - 01:01:35)


Destroy Gundam! - S1-E2

Plot hole: Char is able to escape from Side 7 simply flipping a couple grenades he had on his person (shaped like the old style pineapple grenades) who tear huge holes into metal walls with a visible thickness in excess of a meter, including the outer wall of the space colony a salvo of Mega Particle Cannon from the battleship didn't break. If Zeon has such explosives at their disposal, then maybe they should not fight with battleships and giant robots, but simply have footsoldiers toss tiny grenades at the enemy. (00:15:00)


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