
1st Oct 2019

Bird on a Wire (1990)

Plot hole: During the final fight, electricity plays a strange, inconsistent role. Leaving aside the cheesiness of the blue sparks effect, it's quite odd that when said sparks signifying electricity travel up the cable, they do it just up to a certain height at first, but all the way up when it's time to kill the villain - in fact they should have travelled all the way to begin with. Not to mention the fact that Gibson has been touching the metal pretty much all the time and not just when he bodyhooks himself to it with the villain. (01:43:20)


Plot hole: There is no reason why Roshi would free himself from Yamcha's pit only after wasting hours there, but even less reasons why Bulma's dragon radar would come alive again only at that particular time. (00:41:00)


30th Sep 2019

Bird on a Wire (1990)

Plot hole: The morning after being shot in the butt at the gas station, Mel Gibson calls witness protection, and tries alias after alias, but finds out they are unknown to the Feds because the evil dude deleted his whole file. Problem is, the agent who has been looking up the name she supposedly did not find, has the computer screen on an empty "Witness Number; K239" page. Which is the right one! How is it possible? The aliases she looked up do not exist, but somehow they returned the appropriate record number. (00:29:10)


28th Sep 2019

Security (2017)

Plot hole: Eddie's colleagues are getting slaughtered in a shooting where they are badly outnumbered and rushed by the villains, but when he meets the group of armed feds Eddie does not even try to make them provide support or rescue his friends; he right away contacts them to have Jamie reach him, at great risk (which is what gets Mason and Vance shot). Who would ever do that? You reach law enforcement and rather than tell them to save your friends, you call your friends asking them to sortie to join you and the group of trained and armed men who are doing nothing? The whole scene is wrong on multiple levels, including Eddie's late reaction.


25th Sep 2019

Security (2017)

Plot hole: The bad guys try to enter the mall through the double doors of the entrance, but they do not use the food court entrance, which is undefended. There are plenty of them and there's no reason why they would not use it as main or additional entry point, especially considering that they put a sniper there to guard it (so it's not that they don't know about it), and it's not barricaded, just plain glass doors without even a chain.


25th Sep 2019

Security (2017)

Plot hole: Eddie estimates that the bad guys will break through Montclair in 30 minutes. Since they already broke the doors with the first car, and all that remains is a pile of rubble (with a forklift behind, even) that does not stop the passage of a person, it's hard to understand what would hold them back that long.


25th Sep 2019

Security (2017)

Plot hole: Once Ben Kingsley has decided that the assault on the mall will happen, the good guys are given an insane amount of time to talk to the kid and calm her, have a nice conversation about what is happening, hole her up in a safe position, observe the vanguard of the baddies scout the parking lot and just then do all sort of A-Team style preparations, barricading the front door and booby-trapping the entrance. The villain is in a rush, knows the layout of the mall and does not fear the unarmed mall cops; there's no way they had time to do all that. Especially since his plan consists exactly of the brute force assault ("driving through" the front doors) that a little earlier Eddie mentioned, contradicting the stated purpose of not drawing attention from passing patrols.


20th Sep 2019

Lucifer (2015)

Upvote valid corrections to help move entries into the corrections section.

Suggested correction: Dan was never wearing a wire. There are several ways he could be in communications with Chloe that didn't require a wire, which he would just remove or turn off when meeting the fixer.


20th Sep 2019

Lucifer (2015)

The Would-Be Prince of Darkness - S1-E3

Plot hole: During the credits, Chloe said of the victim "coroner puts her time of death between 1 and 3am", and she does indeed ask Ty's obsessive fan / ex-gf where has she been during that timeframe. When she looks at the security tape, the timecode starts rolling at 22:18 and goes on "for 3 hours." That does not account for the time of the murder at all, she has no alibi for the second half of the suspected timeframe! Not to mention, she said she saw Ty kiss the victim. When could she possibly have seen that? It's unlikely that before 10pm Ty was already drunk and getting randy with the girl, with the house full of guests. (00:25:00)


20th Sep 2019

Child's Play (2019)

Plot hole: Since the "Buddi" doll is designed simply to be a child's toy, able at most to carry items like a book or a banana, and Chucky in this movie is not a supernatural creature, it's hard to explain how it is strong enough to, for instance, carry the heavy watermelon across town and lift it in position. Even if his safety locks have been removed, a toy designed to be in the crib with toddlers wouldn't be built with the kind of lifting power shown here (we also see it assembled and it does not have a terminator skeleton or something like that, it's mostly plastic).


20th Sep 2019

Child's Play (2019)

Plot hole: Karen forbids her son from playing with Chucky, because he's spending too much time with it on top of it scaring the cat, and locks it up in a cabinet. The cabinet ends up broken (Chucky broke it but she does not know), the cat conveniently disappears (Chucky killed it but she does not know), but the mother is totally cool about it, the plot point is forgotten and Andy faces no punishment or questioning for it. Any mother would be alarmed and would make a big deal of it possibly even throwing the doll away (she does not care, she did not pay for it), but that sort of drama is delayed until much later in the movie, for no internal reason.


20th Sep 2019

Child's Play (2019)

Plot hole: The Vietnamese sweatshop is structured in a way that makes no real sense: the workers seem to be randomly in charge of everything and nothing instead of having specialized, streamlined tasks. Already makes no sense that a low level employee would be able to reprogram a state of the art AI chip, it makes even less sense from a production standpoint that he'd also be given a disassembled doll, dress it, etc.


Plot hole: Joker douses everyone in Arkham with the Ooze mixed with the water sprinklers. One of the first ones to mutate is Mr. Freeze, despite wearing a suit and helmet that keep him hermetically sealed from the external environment at the 0 temperature he needs.


Plot hole: Grewishka sneak-attacks Alita using his weapon from outside the window. How in the world was the hulking behemoth just standing outside the window without Alita noticing? He surely couldn't have tiptoed into that spot after she arrived, he makes a ruckus for every step he takes. (01:47:10)


The Dream - S1-E10

Plot hole: Nobody hears the sound of a gun being fired past a door they were waiting almost in front of, and the police cannot tell apart a shot fired point blank by one fired 20 feet away and probably at a very sharp angle. Moreover, the bleeding should be all over his face, since leaning the way it is shown in this adaptation is most likely to lead the victim to fall over, and even leave bloodstains out of the window and on the ground below, which someone would have noticed in the crowded factory.


The Incredible Theft - S1-E8

Plot hole: Hastings came over to assist Poirot in his case, posting guard overnight. He offers to drive Poirot back to the villa since Poirot is in a rush and has figured out of the culprit. Poirot approaches the villa just in time to come across Mrs. Vanderlyn on her way out. Poirot rushes to Hastings then to give chase to the woman but...Hastings has pulled out all the plugs and is cleaning the carburettor, just doing some random maintenance to the car that would take him, in his words "an hour" to bring back to work. On a one-day job, Hastings crippled their own car for no reason whatsoever. This is beyond stupidity.


Problem at Sea - S1-E7

Plot hole: In the original novel, the victim's voice is described as "shrill." In here, it's quite the opposite. When the trick for the alibi is performed, the relevant lines are not read by John Normington, thus Poirot's exposition at the end, with the girl providing the voiceover, indirectly further exposes its unbelievability.


Four and Twenty Blackbirds - S1-E4

Plot hole: In the denouement, Poirot says explicitly that the culprit sent the letter to the victim - but the letter in question, in this dramatization was stated earlier (in a change from Agatha Christie's original) to be an invitation to the art gallery, and the culprit is not the manager/art gallery owner! In the actual short story the letter was a personal message of entirely different nature, written and authored by the culprit.


The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly - S1-E3

Plot hole: Forgiving the implausibility that nobody checks their own watch at the time of the kidnapping, the clock in the living room strikes 12 supposedly ten minutes early: everyone blindly storms from the room when the chimes have not yet ended, and reaches the supposed perpetrator who is by the side entrance. They talk to him briefly and the clocktower signals now the real noon. It's hard to see how 10 full minutes could have passed, and even harder when everybody runs back to the house, to find the clock there signaling 12:11: it took them a mere minute to get there, what took them so long the first time? (00:30:00 - 00:31:30)


The Adventure of Johnnie Waverly - S1-E3

Plot hole: When he is taken away from the mansion, Johnnie is hammering with his fists on the car windows, as if he was genuinely in distress and resisting the kidnapping. But as we know, that's not what is happening, he knows his captor well and came willingly. (00:31:25)


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