
11th May 2006

Quantum Leap (1989)

Show generally

Question: Is it ever stated how the people act once Sam leaps out of them? Presumably the person leaps back into their place, but wouldn't they be confused initially and then just go back to acting the same way?

Gary O'Reilly

Answer: In "Double Identity", Sam leaps from Frankie to Don Geno when the blackout hits and we see how Frankie responds to returning. He appears to have no memory of the time he was displaced and thinks it is the moments just after when he left the day before.

Chosen answer: No, it is never stated. The person does leap back in so your assumption is as good as any.


Question: After John and Jane killed all those people, wouldn't their boss send more people after them? And why don't the Smiths fear/anticipate/react to this fact/possibility? Is it me or does it seem the only way they could have a happy ending is die or they have to kill the boss and destroy all their records (Which they would probably die trying).

Answer: The boss probably decided to stop wasting resources on a lost cause.


22nd Nov 2005

Ghost (1990)

Question: At the end where Carl gets dragged off to hell, a cable line is attached to him. I have watched this scene a few times on a full screen DVD and have had trouble seeing it. Can anyone tell me where the wire is located and if I need a different DVD copy to see it. Thanks in advance.

Answer: The wire may have been digitally removed for the DVD release. I'd check a VHS copy.


11th May 2006

Friends (1994)

Answer: A.A. Milne is the name of a famous author, but of course he never said "Get out of my chair, dill-hole!" Chandler is setting us up for a deeply philisophical comment only to deliver a crass insult.


27th Jul 2005

Cube 2: Hypercube (2002)

Question: Do the "participants" need to be in certain room upon 6:06:59? Am I right in saying if all the rooms converge, then as long as you survive until 6:06:59 you can make an escape?

Answer: Yes, as long as you are alive when the rooms converge, you can get out.


29th Dec 2005

General questions

I've noticed this in almost every cartoon I've seen, but recently I've noticed it in a lot of films too. whenever a character/actor is reading a book, they're always turning the pages the wrong way (as if they're reading the book backwards). This would go against the actors (and animators) basic reactions to reading a book, so why does it appear so often? Is it a sort of in-joke like the Wilhelm scream?

Gary O'Reilly

Chosen answer: It is most likely because the film has been flipped, showing a "mirror image".


Question: If the Buckets were very poor, then why do they even have TV? Why don't they use the extra money for food?

Answer: The Buckets weren't always dead broke. The TV may have been purchased before they became impoverished.


Answer: TV is kind of a necessity. Here in the UK debt collectors can't take a TV if it's the only one in the house. Also, they can't afford newspapers so how would they catch up on news? The TV will last for a while whereas it would only buy a few days worth of food, so the TV is a more sustainable option.

Answer: In addition to the other answer about TV basically being a necessity, there's also the very real chance that they got the TV for dirt-cheap or even free somewhere. It looks like a crummy old antenna TV anyways. They often get old TV's in things like thrift stores or flea markets, etc. I actually specifically look for things like old TV's and VCR's in thrift store and find them a lot since I enjoy collecting old analog media and devices. Plus, given that the grandfather used to work for Wonka, it's entirely possible that he bought it in the past before the family became so poor.


Answer: Don't they have to pay for a monthly subscription? Isn't cable paid for every month?

This was based on the book, not the timeframe of the movie. There was no cable for TVs when the book was written OR in the 1971 original film. Yes, cable was available in 2005 at this film's time but that's not the logic here.

11th May 2006

Bruce Almighty (2003)

Question: In the scene where Bruce finds the body of Jimmy Hoffa and the other news stations' van has marijuana in it, you can see small trees inside the van. Does marijuana even grow into trees?

Answer: If you trim it right and bind the stalks it could easily resemble a tree.


Question: A friend of mine noticed that despite it being winter in Narnia for a hundred years, no one's breath is visible. Is this a mistake, a director's choice (since it could've been added in post) or an element of Narnia (I am not very familiar with the books)?

Answer: It was never mentioned in the book or the movie that breath wasn't visible, so it is a mistake.


Question: What is that castle seen in the beginning? It can't be the beast's castle before it's cursed, because it has stained glass decorations of the night the prince became a beast. It can't be the castle during or after the curse, because it looks nothing like it.

Answer: It is the beast's castle before the curse. The stained glass windows were added as foreshadowing.


Answer: The whole story is supposed to have already happened when we are seeing it, hence the "Once upon a time" intro, so these stained glass windows might be telling the prince's story. The ending, in fact, has a stained glass window of Belle and the Prince living happily ever after.

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