Jean G

The Foreign Legion Affair - S2-E22

Continuity mistake: When Solo begins trying to seduce the dancing girl with the line, "We shall taste paradise," he's standing at least a foot away from her. But in the very next shot, they're suddenly in a clinch: her hands are on his cheeks and they're about to kiss. (00:29:15)

Jean G

The Five Daughters Affair (1) - S3-E28

Continuity mistake: No one seems to know which daughter is which. Margo is named daughter number 2 in Act II's title, but the dialogue calls her daughter number 1. Act III's title says Imogen is number 3, while the dialogue refers to her as number 2. (00:12:30 - 00:26:45)

Jean G

The Take Me to Your Leader Affair - S3-E16

Continuity mistake: Illya's shoe converts to an improbable electric drill. He inserts a foot-long drill bit (and just where was he hiding that when the baddies searched him?) into the flat of the heel. But when he starts drilling at the bars, the bit is sticking out of the side of the shoe instead. (00:21:15)

Jean G

The Deadly Toys Affair - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: Joanna learns from the hotel waiter that he saw Illya and a chambermaid going into the woods. But she later tells Illya that she saw him leaving with the girl, and goes on to describe the chambermaid - a person she never saw. (00:32:55)

Jean G

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. mistake picture

The Deadly Toys Affair - S2-E9

Continuity mistake: The remote-controlled model plane with the explosive on board keeps changing colors between shots. It's yellow and blue at first, then yellow and red, and in one shot, it's red and white. (00:12:30)

Jean G

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. mistake picture

The Yukon Affair - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: During the fight in the secret vault, Illya's boots change color, from black to white (they're suddenly white in the close-up when the bad guy reaches out to trip him) and then back to black again. (00:43:20)

Jean G

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. mistake picture

The Yukon Affair - S2-E14

Continuity mistake: When Victoria orders everyone to put up their hands, Illya's left coat sleeve is covering his watch in full shots, but is several inches lower, exposing the watch, in all the close-ups. (00:45:15)

Jean G

The Arabian Affair - S2-E7

Continuity mistake: Sophie throws a knife that hits Illya in the front of one leg. But when the camera angle widens, she's standing on a dune behind him, nowhere near the area from which the knife was thrown. (00:04:00)

Jean G

The Ultimate Computer Affair - S2-E3

Continuity mistake: The whipped cream covering Salty's arm and hand, as she holds the mini explosive pulled from the dessert, is very thick in the first shot of her, much thinner in the next, thicker again in the next, and almost completely gone in the last shot. (00:42:20 - 00:43:45)

Jean G

The Girls of Nazarone Affair - S1-E28

Continuity mistake: In the hotel room, Solo gives Lavinia Brown one of his cards. She's holding it in her left hand and gesturing with it as she talks to him. But when the camera angle changes slightly, the card suddenly vanishes. (00:18:25)

Jean G

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