Jean G

The Matterhorn Affair - S3-E24

Continuity mistake: Marvin has a homing-pigeon hat. When he's pushed off the precipice, his hat falls off. After a shot of his sister screaming, we cut back to Marvin still falling, and his hat is back on, falling off again. But it's somehow back on his head yet again when he's rescued a few scenes later. (00:38:45 - 00:40:10)

Jean G

The Matterhorn Affair - S3-E24

Continuity mistake: Illya slams the door on the approaching gunman and holds it with his foot until the lock is turned, then lowers his leg. Cut to a wider shot, and he takes his foot off the door all over again. (00:35:45)

Jean G

The Matterhorn Affair - S3-E24

Continuity mistake: When the bad guys hang Marvin upside down, his tie comes loose and falls over his face. A few shots later, though, it somehow tucks itself back up again, even though his hands are tied and he couldn't have touched it. (00:23:45)

Jean G

The Nowhere Affair - S2-E24

Continuity mistake: The ghost town's saloon is draped with huge spider webs when Solo explores it. But the ghosts obviously have a cleaning service. When Illya arrives later, there's nary a web in sight. (00:02:30 - 00:21:30)

Jean G

The Virtue Affair - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: Solo's white gloves are on, off, and on again between takes as he and Albert run from the courtyard, search for the control room, and then finally go back for Illya. (00:44:15)

Jean G

The Virtue Affair - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: When Illya and Vogler practice shooting arrows at the "No Hunting" sign, the "I" is completely there one moment, then acquires a huge white chip in its base without being hit by an arrow. A few shots later, it's intact again. (00:19:00)

Jean G

The Virtue Affair - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: Vogler paints a target on Illya's shirt back and hunts him. The target remains constant through most of the chase, until a stunt double is brought in for a fight sequence. The double's target has a large "bite" taken out of the bull's eye. The bite goes away after the fight, and Illya's target is whole again. (00:29:20)

Jean G

The Virtue Affair - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: While he's running through the woods with his hands cuffed behind him, Illya's sleeves alternate, between shots, from pushed up above his elbows to pulled all the way down to his wrists. (00:26:50)

Jean G

The Virtue Affair - S2-E11

Continuity mistake: Solo sneaks down an empty corridor and knocks out the only man guarding the lab door. When the camera angle reverses, there's a second unconscious (or dead) man on the floor behind him. Where'd that guy come from? Solo didn't encounter anyone before the door guard, and there were no bodies already on the floor when he entered the hall. (00:15:05)

Jean G

The Apple A Day Affair - S3-E27

Continuity mistake: Illya changes clothes in mid car-chase. When he and Solo leap into the convertible and drive off, he's wearing a brown leather jacket and jeans. As they race down the road, he's suddenly in a dark blue suit and tie. When they jump out of the car again, he's back in the brown jacket and jeans. (00:45:45)

Jean G

The Jingle Bells Affair - S3-E15

Continuity mistake: When the gunmen storm the rescue mission, they enter through a 3-paned glass door with its glass intact. Cut to an interior shot of them coming in, and the glass is now completely broken out. (00:27:25)

Jean G

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