Miss Congeniality

Gracie Hart decides to stay beautiful, the bomber wasn't really the Citizen, it was Mrs. Morningside, the bomb was in the crown, Hart is voted Miss Congeniality and Miss Rhode Island is voted Miss America. Gracie and the FBI guy get together and fall in love.


Miss Congeniality mistake picture

Continuity mistake: At the end of the film when Miss Rhode Island is crowned Gracie tries to take the crown from her. Miss Rhode Island beats her with her bouquet of roses. All of the blossoms are knocked off of the stems. A few seconds later when Gracie is fighting Miss Texas the blossoms are back on the roses that Cheryl, Miss Rhode Island is holding. (01:35:00)

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Trivia: Ken Thomas and John DiResta who play FBI Agents Harris and Clonsky, are both ex-cops turned actors.

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Answer: Congenial-1. Kindred, sympathetic 2. suited to one's taste or nature: Agreeable. (New Merriam-Webster dictionary)

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