Life is Beautiful

Audio problem: When Guido knocks the flower pot from the window sill and it breaks on Rodolfo's head it looks and disintegrates like wood but sounds like terracotta. (00:09:30)


Continuity mistake: In the rain scene after Guido & his princess are in the rain, the steering wheel becomes detached, and he holds it up, and you see hardware still connected to the steering wheel. When he puts the pillow on top of it for her to use as an umbrella, you don't see the hardware. During this scene, Guido places the pillow directly on top of the steering wheel, and in the following shots, you don't see the actual steering wheel; only the stick.

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Guido: Buon giorno, Principessa.

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Trivia: Roberto Benigni became the first Italian actor in more than 35 years to win an Oscar for an acting role. The last winner was Sophia Loren. His unexpecting Oscar win for "Best Actor" marked only the second time that an actor had directed himself in an Academy Award winning performance. The other was Laurence Olivier for Hamlet (1948). Benigni also became the first actor to win a best actor oscar for an non-English speaking role.


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